The Bathtub

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I was still in the waiting room and I see my mom walk past by me then turns around and looks at me and says"S-Sweetie are you hurt" "No mom I'm fine jj just got into a fight" "Oh ok just stay here ok so I can deal with your brother" "Ok is it ok if I go home though I want to take a shower" "Of course" so I ran off to get my bike it was last seen where I bument into Jonathan and Nancy so I got there I see Steve he comes up to me and says "Hey look I'm sorry for what I said it was because of my stupid jackass friends I know your never going forgive me-" "Ok hold your horses Steve if there's one thing you know about me is that I forgive people I just need apologizes and that's all so your forgiven" "OH MY GOD  thank you for giving me a secound chance do uh need a ride home" "That would be nice" you get into his car he turns on the radio and one on my favourite songs from Queen plays Killer Queen I start to sing "She keeps her moet et chandon in her pretty cabinet" then Steve starts to sing" 'Let them eat cake' she said just like Marie Antoinette" "A built in remdy for crushchschow and Kennedy at anytime an invitation you can't decline  caviar and cigarettes well versed in etiquette Extraordinarily nice she's a killer quuueeen gunpowder gelatine dynamite with a laser beem guaranteed to blow your mind" (lil time skip into the song) "drop of a hat she's  a willing as playful as pussycat" then we make to my house I thank steve I go in I see my mom,hop,jj,nance "Hey guys what going on" "We are trying to find Mike and his friends" "I know where they might be" I say as we rush out to get to the car so we can go to the junk yard as we got there I quickly ran inside the bus before the others can i turn around to see Mike,lucas,dustin,and el yes that's right I'm calling her el "Hey guys" Mike doesn't say anything to me he just runs up and hugs me I hug back and the rest expect el doesn't I look over to her and I say "You too el come on" her face lits up she ran and hugged us I pulled away and I said to el "Look el I'm so so sooo sorry I was so mean to you and I never gave you a chance it's because I miss my brother very very much and he's basically and literllay my best friend at birth and I was being such a douchebag so I'm sorry" "friends don't lie in sorry too" "no need" I say hugging her "and Mike" "Yeah" I stick out my hand and he shakes it "Ok guys let's go" I say running out of the bus to get to the car when we got to my house Nancy hugged Mike and said "I was so worried about that y/ns dress"

Then Mike explains to every one about the upside down and then now here we are el is now looking to find will and barb then she ribs off the blindfold and says "im sorry I can't find them" "Well what about y/n" Nancy says until el.says "what about y/n" "Ok I'm sorry I haven't told you but I have powers to" "What number" "001" "That means you have every single power y/n"  "Shut up"  "But I didn't say anything" "*chuckles*no el it's an expression that means it's not for real so I can mind read huh" "Yes" "Well I'm not a perv so I'm not exploring anymind today but ima stick with my favourite" "And what is that" my group says at the same time also including el she's apart of the group I stick out my hand and a thick sharp branch come put they all gasp then I place my hand on the table then the table is covered with vines then I grew 3 buetyful multicolored roses one for my mom,one for nance,one for el they all smiled then Mike said "I'm think it's buetyful your powers are amazing y/n and so are you" "thank you Mike" I say blushing

Skip to school (im sorry I already planed out my st 2&3 ideas so I wanna make it quick) 

We get all the stuff for what we need for the kitty pool me and Mike get the hoeses "What does she even eat" "what?" "El" "Oh candy,leftovers,eggos  she really like eggos like you" "Ha is that so" "it is" " more secrets away we used to tell eachother everything when we were little so why not now" "I don't but you like Dustin now" "Eww what gross and don't say you like el now" "What?No. Ew. Gross. And besides I like someone else" "And who is that do I know them" "Yes you know them well then me" he says smiling "Then who is it" "Can't tell" "Ugh fine then I guess you won't know mine" "Well can you explain him" "Sure he's loving,kind,sweet,funny,wired,has a great sense of style,loves star wars,and loves anything I like and he has brown hair with dark chocolate brown eyes that i can gaze into all day without being bored" "Wow he sounds special" "And he is and he's right in front of me" "Cool-Wait! That was me" I nod he drops his hoes and runs up and kisses me I kiss back to I put my arms around his neck while he has his wrapped around my waist and he also dips me "You have no idea  how long I have been waiting to do that" "Me too Mike me too" I say kissing him again with more passion

Another time skip

We set up the stuff mike gets his super com out and el goes in the kitty pool and floats then she screams "GONE! GONE!" And I knew it was barb I start to tear up because she helped me with my book report and I thanked her because I got an A+ and I was happy then she calms down then we hear will omg my brother is ok I tear up again mixed with happy and sad I hug Mike  he always knew how to make me feel better then she gets up and rips the goggles off and we dry her up but I go see if she ok and so does jj

We made a plan to kill the demogorgon so we snuck back into the police station to get the stuff but they also have me to kill

♡Always on my mind♡  Mike Wheeler X Reader Where stories live. Discover now