Trick or treat freak

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I woke up and I remembered that me,lucas,dustin,mike,and will played on going as Ghostbusters for Halloween but I don't have my dana costume so I can't go as her so I can go as a ghost and I have a perfect plan to scare hopper so I grab a sheet and cut holes into it so it can create eyes then I snuck up behind him and waited until he turned around"Oh, jesus!" "Haha I scared ya!" "Yeah I see that." "So it's Halloween." "Sure is but right now it is breakfast okay come on let's eat." "Can I go trick or treating?" "You wanna go trick or treating." "Yes." "You know the rules." "I know ok fine I won't go." I say angerly "Alright about I get off early tonight and buy us a bunch of candy,and we can sit around and get fat and we watch a scary movie together?'s that for compromise?" "Ok...can you get off by 5:15?" "5:15 yeah sure." "Promise?" "Yes I promise." "Halfway happy." I say starting to eat while hip quickly ruffles my hair I shoot him a smile and does the same and says "I like the new hair doo." "Thank you hop I...i miss my mom and brothers today we were suppost to dress up as Ghostbusters for Halloween." "It's ok kid soon your going to see them I promise and I know you miss them and your mom is doing great and she is looking for you and never stops and 'so am i' but don't worry they will see you soon. And don't worry about halloween you will go trick or treating when this is done." "Ok"

After he left I wanted to check up on the boys so I got a blindfold and I saw mike and lucas fighting over who is venkman which made me chuckle will making a point that both of them should be venkman and dustin just staying quiet then I see mikes arm wrapped around els waist and el is kissing he's cheek ugh I hate her but she doesn't know that mike has been trying to contact me off of his super com which I find cute and nice that he still cares about me and all of the others too they all try contact me expect for eleven

Today I disiceded to take the day off so I watched old scary movies I wish I can see them and i see my mom has a new boyfriend Bob which I'm happy for her because he treats her right god I wish I get to meet him but maybe someday

I really want to go trick or treating so I grab my sheet again and also my mask so it makes it look like I'm sick I grab a pillow case a and stuff Styrofoam to make it look like there's 'candy' because I know hop is going to get candy and I don't want him to know I went trick or treating so I grab my ghost costume

I really want to go trick or treating so I grab my sheet again and also my mask so it makes it look like I'm sick I grab a pillow case a and stuff Styrofoam to make it look like there's 'candy' because I know hop is going to get candy and I don't ...

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And mask

Then you are already to go you walk out the door and first you go to your house

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Then you are already to go you walk out the door and first you go to your house

You made it to your drive way and knock on the door to see jj and you say "Trick or treat" in a Russian accent "Mom we got our first trick or treater" "Oh ok give me on sec Bob can you help me" "sure" yes I finally get to meet Bob he's wearing a Dracula costume and will is wearing his Ghostbusters costume then Bob says to me in a accent "Well hello I'm count Dracula bob" "Well hello I' springs" "Well what a lovely name for a person from Russia" "Da(yes) how did know" "i can tell by your accent can you say something for us in russian so I can get it on camera" "Da....(hi mom I miss you so much and I miss will and jj and I'm happy I get to meet your lovely boyfriend Bob I will come back soon I promise) is that good for uh video" "Perfect but what did you say" "I say women beautiful and boys very handsome including man there." "Why thank you do mind if will goes trick or treating with you?" "No not at all...wait....are you that person with missing sister?" "Yes I miss her very much." Will says in a sad tone"Very sorry for loss, was she going to dress up like dana from ghost movie ya?" "Yes but our friend el dressed up like her and it made me sad." "But does she have a venkman?" "Yeah my friend Mike is venkman and he was my sister's boyfriend until something happened to her." "Ugh that's tearable and this el girl must be what you call it clingy." "Yes! Very it's annoying." "Must be will you introduce me to group?" "Sure they will love you!" "Da(yes)I so hope." I say as we get into the car then we arrive at mikes house but I have to ask questions "Will hey!" Dustin says we both get out of the car then I hear "Hey will who's this" mike says "Im mitillda springs" "Wow some one from russia can you say something in russian?" "Da(yes hello my love I know you cheated on me with this ugly rodont clingy person but I still love you and you will see me again)." "Wow! What did you say?" "Say you have lovely group." "Why do you have a mask on?" Eleven asks "So it can go with costume." "Well what are you?" "Ghost, and you guys ghostbuster eh?" "Yes we are no let's go trick or treating."

As we went trick or treating I stayed behind then they kept asking me "are you getting candy" but I keep saying no

Later we got scared by max but I didn't get scared I dellt with worse

Then Dustin and Lucas and max and eleven and will were in the front
And me and Mike were in the back
"I heard about girlfriend." "Uh? Which one?" "Y/n...why date el when you still have y/n?" "Well she's not here is she?" "How am I supposed to know...uh...tell me uh what does look like?" "Well she has your hair color but longer and has y/e/c eyes with a smile that will take you away*chuckles* she was my best friend since kindergarten." "Wow! Long time eh." "Yeah but you probably don't know her." "I may have seen her in woods but who care you got another girl." "I know but I want to keep el forever in my life kinda like how I did with y/n." "Mike-*Beep! Beep! Beep!* Oh shit I need go!" "Ok bye mitillda"

I ran straight into my room got changed into my pjs took off my mask and stuff and emptied my pillow case then sat on the couch until I heard beeping it was hops Morse code thingy ma bober and it spelled out L-A-T-E ok so it's not that bad

A little later i hear the speacil knock I open it and he got the candy and he's say "Ok let's get fat." I just laugh

♡Always on my mind♡  Mike Wheeler X Reader Where stories live. Discover now