Chapter II: Friends

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         My second day was going similarly to the first. Nobody made much of an attempt to talk to me yet which I didn't mind. But the teenage girl in me secretly hoped that someone would. I started to notice the amount of cliques around the school, some of which were probably formed for safety. Currently my english teacher was ranting about the effects of technology on language and how social media had made kids our age illiterate. I tuned her out and moved my eyes just above her to watch the clock. I then moved my eyes to focus on the boy a seat away from me. 

        He was large, comically so in comparison to the desk chair. In the still room the only thing I could focus on was his hands as they fidgeted. I couldn't see much else except that his hair was blonde. The next person I paid attention to was the girl from yesterday who in comparison to the boy before was as still as a statue. Her posture was bone straight.

        I moved my eyes back to our teacher and prayed that time would move just a little bit faster. 

        It didn't.

        Class felt like it lasted ages. English was my last class before lunch, my stomach was already growling. Once the bell rung I quickly made my way out of the door and down the hallway in the direction of the front entrance. 

       "Hey new girl!" I heard a voice call from behind me, the tone of her voice bordered on derogatory. But as long as she didn't hit my face into a locker I didn't really care.

       Thats not for me, right? I felt the urge to continue walking but I didn't, instead I turned around. The girl from yesterday was staring at me with a small smile on her face. She moved closer to me, making her way through the crowd of students. 

       "I was gonna ask if you wanted to eat with me and my friends." She tilted her head to the side.

        I stayed silent while my brain formed an answer. "Why?" 

       "Well to be honest, its partly because you're beautiful. I appreciate beauty and second its not safe to be alone around here." She monotoned, sounding quite serious.

         I considered it for a second, I had seen clearly that she could protect me if I needed it. But that also meant she could hurt me herself if that was her plan. Despite the uncertainty something told me to say yes.

       "Sure." I answered.

       "Then follow me, my names Aanya by the way." Aanya smiled widely ignoring the deep hesitation in my voice. 

        She led me through the hallways until we reached the dining hall. She walked to a table in the corner of the room, there sat a small table with two girls already there. A girl with perfectly curled blonde hair, she was wearing a pearl choker. She had pretty full eyebrows and heart shaped lips. The girl next to her had beautiful dark skin and curly hair pulled into a bun. Her eyes and cheekbones lifted creating a model like face. Everyone at this table was so stunning it was intimidating.

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