Chapter VIII: Rain

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            It was currently Monday and my birthday was exactly six days away. I was sitting in a small gazebo with Emi laying her head in my lap, her legs sprawled across Aanya and Rose. Rain was pouring, rushing its way over the top of the structure. Our teachers had decided to take us to the botanical garden for a senior field trip but the weather had other plans. We got to the botanical garden and museum around ten o'clock and by twelve the rain miraculously started pouring. 

            The teachers had already called the buses back so everyone was scattered around taking shelter until we could head back. I looked to our side to the bushes full of flowers. Before the rain had started one of the workers explained how the flowers that were bloomed were autumn and winter flowers. They looked daintier and lacked the color spring and summer flowers had. In my head I began to categorize which season of flowers my friends were. Lixin was a cactus flower, I don't know why but it fit.

             "Have you figured out what you want to do for your birthday yet?" Rosalie asked from beside me. They had been asking me almost everyday, yet I hadn't come up with anything. 

              "I'm not sure, maybe we can go eat." I said hesitantly breathing out, making decisions was hard for me.

              "But it's your eighteenth, we should do something and eat." Aanya declared, "I'll think of something."

               I hesitated slightly, "I want to invite Lixin." 

               I waited to see what they were gonna say, a bit nervously. But at this point Lixin was important to me so their opinions didn't really matter that much. The three of them smiled to my surprise, though I could tell they wanted to put me at ease. 

              "I don't mind, I know you guys are close." Emiene looked up at me from the spot in my lap, Aanya and Rosalie nodding in response. I'm just happy they understood, they had seen Lixin around enough.

               Aanya paused for a moment, her eyes moving to mine. "I think I know what we should do. Do you trust me? It'll be fun, I promise." 

              A skeptical look took over my face, but I nodded nonetheless. "Are you gonna tell me or is this supposed to be a surprise?"

             "Surpise." Aanya smiled at me.

            When the buses arrived a teacher came over and lead us to the entrance, rain covering us on the way. We waited by bus A while teachers rounded up the rest of our grade, but there was one person already there. Milo Vicario was standing a few feet away, his hair a bit darker because of the rain. His hair stuck to the side of the face and his expression looked more angry than usual. I felt my lips turn up as I found a bit of humor in the sight. There was a small laugh behind my lips when Milo's eyes snapped to mine.

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