Chapter VI: Fruit Snacks

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        I couldn't sleep, there was a sense of anxiety that loomed in my mind and body. I watched as the sun rose through the small crack in my curtains. I could hear my parents moving around the house before the door shut closed. Sleepless nights were the worst because there was nothing you could do. I laid in my bed in silence for as long as I could until I was forced to peel myself from the sheets. 

       I stumbled a bit as I pulled my stockings up my legs, going over soon after to smear concealer under my eyes. But in a sick twisted way it made the dark shadow under my eyes worse. I made my way to the kitchen to get my jacket and bag. It was starting to finally get colder as the season settled into fall. But something stopped me in my tracks, a carefully packed container on the foyer table. It had a small note on top of it with the word, 'enjoy'. I looked closer at it seeing food only my mom could make. I picked it up and put it in my bag ignoring the slight feeling of confusion.

        The train was pretty full but I found a seat near the door, a small victory for the day that was starting out less than good. I got to class a bit early, sitting in my seat and waiting for Lixin. But he never arrived... I frowned to myself. Once class was over I sent him a text to make sure he was alright and continued to the next. 

        In calculus we had a pop-quiz which wasn't really a quiz. It was a test, a pop-test if you will. I caught myself almost begging the universe to help me do well. The next period was equally as stressful when I noticed an empty seat in my class. Jared had been in my classes I just didn't notice until now. I peeled my eyes from the empty seat and took a deep breath. 

       Aanya made sure to wait for me outside of English class. She started to ask me how I was before she saw the dark circles under my eyes and the paleness of my skin. Her eyebrows quickly raised in response.

       "What's wrong?" Aanya grabbed my shoulder softly.

        My mouth opened before I lost my train of thought and closed my mouth again. "I'll explain later, okay? But I'm fine, don't worry." 

        Aanya nodded, leading me into class. I was fully sat in my seat when I noticed something on my desk. It was a small piece of folded paper, I grabbed it carefully and unfolded it. The handwriting scribbled on it was pin straight and neat. The note simply read the following:

        'Are you okay?'

        I stared at it for a moment while my brain tried to think of who possibly could have written it. The handwriting wasn't Aanya's, I knew that because she wrote only cursive which was harder for me to read then I'd like to admit. I looked up, feeling eyes on me.

        Milo Vicario was staring back, expression blank. I realized then, that I had never really looked at his face. I had only looked at the slightly curled blond hair that framed it. His nose was strong, straight and his jaw sharp. His face was well structured resembling a statue. But there was something in his eyes akin to a glare, though I don't think it was intentional.  

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