Chapter V: B-

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author's note: trigger warning for this chapter, attempted sexual assault

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author's note: trigger warning for this chapter, attempted sexual assault.

             It was currently the first week of September and my time at Baudelaire had been pretty okay. The workload in my classes had gone up and the teachers had moved into the main curriculum. I had seen many violent displays but nothing too bad yet. Aanya had said that things wouldn't get bad until the winter when the ease of the summer wore off. Emi said that Halloween was the day everything turned, she said it quite dramatically leaving me to not know how serious she was. We had hung out again as well, we met after school to have Thai food a couple minutes away. Luckily my parents had been minding their business when they were home.

           Lixin was doing well, he was excited about his upcoming birthday. He described it as yet another day he got closer to his mental age of nineteen which I heavily doubted. My friends hadn't noticed how close I actually was with Lixin. I guess they assumed we were close because of class and only spared me questioning glances. 

            "Class I'll now be handing back your essays, if you got a bad score read my notes to see how you can improve." Mr. Lawrence announced as he leaned against his desk.

            I watched as he grabbed the large stack and dropped them on everyones desk in order. When he got to me he looked me in my eye before dropping it on my desk. I could only stare in horror at the grade written in large red sharpie. Every cell in my body went into panic mode.


           I had never gotten a B in my life and even if it was an 'above average' grade, that didn't matter to my parents. They were going to kill me, quite literally. I felt fear course through my veins causing my throat to painfully tighten. The bell rung with my eyes still staring at the paper. 

          "You okay?" Aanya's voice spoke from besides me as she gently brought me out of my chair.

           I nodded, "Yeah I- I just need to think for a second." 

          Aanya led me out of the classroom before tilting her head at me, "What's wrong?"

          "I got a B- on my assignment. And I know its stupid to be disappointed by something like this but I know I don't deserve it and I can't bring this home. I can't." I ranted, I couldn't help but feel like an idiot as I fought tears. But I knew there was a chance my parents would get physical with me over this.

          "No I totally understand, do you want to go talk to him after school? I can come with you?" Aanya talked comfortingly, watching me carefully. I never talked about what my parents were like directly but it seemed like she could tell even just a little bit. 

           "No, I can talk to him myself but I really appreciate it." I tried to muster a small smile causing Aanya to nod and give me a little space. "I think I'm gonna go off campus but I'll catch up with you all a bit later."

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