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I woke up with a headache, like always. I stood up and did my morning routine. Brushing teeth, eating breakfast, etc. After all, that, like any person would do if they hated home, I asked Akito if I could come over. He agreed to let me come over, and so I did.

**Getting to Akito's house**

I was finally at Akito's house and we decided to hop into SEKAI.

Toya, Akito, Meiko, Miku

"Miku so- Oh hey! Haven't seen you 2 in a long time!"

"It has been 2 days."

"Still a while if you ask me."

"Sorry for interrupting with ur conversation with Miku, please continue."

"As I was saying, Miku so the Wonderland SEKAI is currently breaking? How come?"

"I have no clue, WonderlandxShowtime Miku talked to us Miku's to see if we could find out what's happening. She said it was related to Tsukasa, but thing is that since her Sekai is breaking she can't think straight and figure the problem out."

Tsukasa's sekai is... breaking?? That's weird. He was happy when I last saw him a couple of days ago.

"Meiko and Miku. I'll try to figure out what's wrong with Tsukasa. I'll report once I find out."

"Thank you, Toya, I just hope we can save the Wonderland SEKAI."

"I find Tsukasa annoying, but I kinda hope he's alright."

" HEY, THAT'S MEAN! Apologize." Meiko said jokingly


Before Akito said another word I teleported both of us back to his house. When we got back I checked my phone and called Rui contact. He didn't pick up. I called Saki, but she didn't either. I went down to my final option and it was Nene. I called her and she picked up.

Toya, Nene

"Hello? Nene this is Toya, I was calling you to check up on Tsukasa since Rui and Saki didn't pick up."

"Oh, so you know what happened to Tsukasa too huh..?"

"No actually... If you don't mind, can you tell me the story?"

"Sigh... Tsukasa and Rui were hanging out yesterday at the park. Tsukasa didn't want Rui to have to walk him home since it was pretty late. They both went their separate ways. According to what I got told, there were these men who pulled Tsukasa into an alleyway and stabbed him, etc. He's currently in the hospital, and isn't doing so well..."

I heard Nene crying and sniffing over the phone. I was panicking when she told me all this. I couldn't breathe, but Akito was behind me comforting me and hugging me from the back.


"He's in —————————-"

"Thank you, Nene."

"Anytime Toya, I know how much Tsukasa means to you."

I hung up and fell to the ground in tears. I couldn't even breathe.

"TOYA BREATHE IN AND OUT! Relax Toya I'm here. I bet Tsukasa is going to be ok. Let's get in the car and go there right now to check up on him.

Akito carried me to the car and we drove to the hospital. We got there in about 9 minutes. We asked for his room number and went to his room. The moment I walked in I saw Tsukasa's sleeping body. He had machines and everything around him to keep him with all of us. I saw Rui sleeping on a chair next to him, while Saki was sleeping on the small couch near the window. Before we went to the hospital I brought a plush that looks similar to Rui and a get a better card for Tsukasa. I didn't wanna bother so I placed the stuff near the bedside table and left.  I walked out of the room and fell to my knees, tears falling out of my eyes like a river. Akito put my head on his shoulder. Comforting me.

"Shhh, let it out Toya, I'm sure he's gonna be fine. I'm not sure, I'm 100% sure. I'll always be here for you Toya. Whatever happens in our lives. I'll still be there for you."

I've never been so grateful to have met someone like Akito... I loved him so much. I'm so happy to be dating him, if something ever happened to him I wouldn't be here right now.

 I'm so happy to be dating him, if something ever happened to him I wouldn't be here right now

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(Not my art)

716 words

Please... Don't hurt him!! ||Akitoya||Where stories live. Discover now