"Lets go together Toya. Shall we?" (Alternative ending!)

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The nurse had walked out and I ran up to her. "EXCUSE ME IS HE DOING OK?" I said in a very panicked voice. "He is alive but-" "Oh thank goodness," I said in relief. "I'm sorry I didn't finish, but he isn't doing so well, he has a very low chance of living." She walked away the moment she said that. My heart dropped. I fell to my knees, but this time no one by my side to comfort me. I walked inside to see a lifeless Akito on the bed. I went up and held his hand. It was... so cold. He yelled at how cold my hands were, but now his are colder than mine. It hurt my heart thinking about it. I sat on the chair next to Akito and saw a text from a group chat with the others. Tsukasa died. He died... The person I respected the most and looked up to is gone. I sobbed even more tears just hearing the news. Rui has offed himself after Tsukasa's death to join his love in another life. I looked out of a window right after and saw a purple and yellow bird sitting outside of the window. Reminded me of them so fast. Another life they said. I looked back at Akito's lifeless body. "Please stay with me Akito."

**23 minutes later**

I sat next to Akito and closed my eyes hoping that he would wake up. I heard a beeping sound... Akito was gone?? I broke down in tears not accepting his death. I ran out of the hospital and ran home to the bathroom. I held a knife. So shiny. I sent a text to all my friends before starting to stab myself multiple times in the chest just like how Akito would felt. I had some pills that I took from the cabinet and swallowed them. I felt my vision become blurry. Tears falling. It started getting hard to breathe. "Akito, I hope we can be able to do what we dream to do before all this". Before my time, I had some flashbacks of the moments I and Akito had. Like those songs we made with the group, our moments in school, and his amazing vocals when I hear him sing. I WISH IT DIDN'T HAVE TO END! At least, not now... Before I closed my eyes I saw a figure, with orange hair. Akito?! "Hey Toya, let's go together. Shall we?" I stuck out my hand to grab Akito's and I closed my eyes shut. I'm finally happy...! 💙🧡


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