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Hello! I am the author of this story! This is my first time publishing anything that I've written so I'm sorry if it's terrible! This is a mennard / enchael story, and as stated in the description this story takes place in the FNAF universe. None of the following events is true or canon. I currently do not have a stated publish time so I will continue to write whenever I can and post once done.

AU explanation--

Michael Terrence Afton is the eldest of his three siblings, Christopher Evan Afton, who prefers to go by his middle name (Evan), is the middle child and Elizabeth Rose Afton is the youngest-- only a year and a half younger than Evan. William Afton or Mr Afton is a popular businessman who works with his partner Henry Emily or Mr Emily. Roseline, who will be referred to as Mrs Afton commonly is great friends with Mrs Carter, who just so happens to not only be their neighbor but also Noah's mother. This redhead boy has an older sister who is currently 27, so he doesn't see her very often and is treated as an only child. Noah has a great father-son relationship with his father, however, his mother is constantly pushing him into dating whatever girls she thinks are polite and/or good-looking. Noah's father knows that Noah is bisexual however his mother does not. Due to the motherly friendship between the families, it's clear that Michael and Noah are very close, yet in school, it's like they barely know each other.

Noah, being a shy quiet nerd, doesn't see his energetic partner very often, with Michael hanging out with the other 3 popular school troublemakers. Simon (chica mask) is very polite and is the least reckless and overall nicest member of their little squad. The teachers favour Simon a lot. Although Michael has the closest bond with Simon, he is dating Mark (bonnie mask guy). Mark is the loudest of the group, playing harmless pranks and constantly telling cheesy dad jokes. Despite being so loud, he somehow can collect all of the drama in school. Ever need information on someone? Just ask him! Lastly, there is Fredrick (Freddy mask guy). Fredrick is the least liked in the group due to his mean "jokes" and slight bullying. He has the worst reputation and has a bit of anger issues. What may shock you is that to cope with his rage he loves birdwatching!

I believe in which that was the last detail!

Oh also here are their interests

Michael- Playing guitar (but no one knows about this), strangely enough, likes math (Like how??)

Noah- writing poems and short stories, using watercolor to make landscapes and cityscapes

Simon- Raisins. Trust me, he has a whole bunch of raisin facts.

Fredrick- Birds / Birdwatching, playing the piano

Mark- DrAmAAA, Michael

Lily- DrAmAA


-slight fatphobic comments    ?

-slight homophobic comments   ?


-boy x boy

-girl x girl

-cigarettes              ?

-past Aftons AU

-eating disorder   ?

If I find anything else to add I will do so, if you can think of anything please comment!

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