~2~ Trouble

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Michael's POV:

Mark is going on about some new relationship that was apparently, and I quote, "ground-breaking" and "unbelievable". I'm not really listening but it sounds cool? Simon was shoving a book about birds in Fredrick's face so I don't think he was listening either.

"Are you guys even listening!?" Mark complained.

"no, not really" Simon announced, probably a bit prouder than he should've.

A loud shout coming from a few tables away spooks mark and he falls into me, taking this opportunity as I trap him in a hug. I giggle at his soft pouts, but something just doesn't feel right.. I shake it off and we continue to chat until the end of lunch.

"Humph!" Simon groans in annoyance. "I have geography next, and I think we have a quizz"

"Sucks to be you" Fredrick chuckles.

The loud buzzing of the bell rings through our ears, telling us that lunch is officially over. I stand up and run to my locker to grab my pencil with Fredrick slowly catching up. Once I had made it to my locker Mark leaned on my shoulder slightly.

Mark's POV:

Once I finally catch up to Michael I'm slightly upset that he didn't wait for me- but I completely forgot about that once I saw his adorable face~! He grabs a pencil with one hand and my hand with the other, closing his locker with his leg. All of a sudden the late bell rings, making me jump.


I could hear Michael giggling next to me, which led to uncontrollable laughter. One of the teachers appears up behind us, making us both startled.

"Don't you two have somewhere to be?"

"y-yes ma'am. We'll get going now."

Michaels tone went from teasing to fear, he was still scared of Mrs. Acalanta, which I found quite funny. After all she's one of my favorite teachers! I don't think she likes me very much though. Either way we run to our 8th period class, which just so happens to be E-L-A. (English Language Arts). Once we get there, around 8 minutes late, we realize that Mr. Gio isn't there yet, but he slides right out of the hallway and into the classroom, only a few steps ahead of us. Either way his policy is still that if you make it into the room before him you don't get a punishment, so we gulped, not knowing if he was in a bad mood or not.

~402 words (not including this)~

An Unexpected Blossom - An Enchael story -Where stories live. Discover now