~5~ doctors

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               Noah's pov:

            Me and Lily honestly had no idea what to do, but panicking we decided to bring him to the doctors.. It seemed like the most reasonable thing to do? I'm currently writing little love poems in my head as I wait outside of the room he's in. My head fills with questions and unsatisfying thoughts. 

   Will Michael be okay? This is all my fault! Did I do the right thing bringing him here? The doctors probably think I'm an idiot. I'm so selfish thinking about my personal life and worries, Michael's hurt! Will he ever wake up?

I stop myself from continuing to think these thoughts, next to me Lily was visually confused, probably still trying to process.. Not like I can blame her! Once second he was okay and the next we were trying to figure out if he had just died or not..

   Lily's POV:


   OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG LIKE WHAT JUST HAPPENED??? One second Michael was slaying (like usual) and the next second he wasn't!!?? I think I practically died right then and there-- or maybe it was the school lunch.. WAIT OMG WAIT IS MIKEY DEAD!!?? This is just one not-so-slay dream.. right? Right? Is it just me or does that clock look weird? Haha I'm dreaming. Haha. Oh. I'm not dreaming, am I? 

No, I'm not dreaming.. I can feel Noah hugging me. Wait Noah is hugging me. He's crying, should I be crying..? I mean, he's not actually gonna die right? Like maybe some traumatic brain injury from the cement, but that isn't soo bad right? It's better than dying? WAIT- Oh god I don't know what's real and what's not anymore. 

A nurse comes out of somewhere? Nowhere? I don't know.. She's saying... something? I can't hear her though. I'm too focused on whatever just happened. OMG OMG--

  Nurse / doctor POV:

      Idk why they think he's already dead. Other than his weight it really isn't all so serious. I could wait until they aren't.. dying? Idk, I get paid the least out of everyone here. Someone else can handle it.

~350 words (not including this)~

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