~6~ awakening

37 3 2

Sorry that I haven't been publishing recently!

⚠️warning- mentions of eating disorders, hospitals, implied homophobia⚠️

Noah's POV:

Even though I'm only half listening, I can at least make out the fact that Michael is some-what okay. I let out a big sigh of relief, I only now realize how bad the situation could have gotten if he wasn't okay.

I take a peek at Lily who is still freaking out, I guess she didn't hear anything. I hug her again to try to snap her out of it, but I don't know if it's working.

Michael's POV:

I hesitantly open up my eyes, only to immediately regret it. I'm not too sure where I am but it is BLINDING, like who the fuck decided that the brightest white walls and ceiling was a good match for even an even brighter white light. I slowly sit up to find myself in a bed, well not really it's more of a.. cot almost? Oh wait I'm in a hospital aren't I? Well shit, that's gonna be one annoying conversation with Roseline when I get back to the house. Bloody hell, I'm so damn tiredd.

After a few moments of trying to get comfortable in this hell of a bed the door opens to a lady who looks like a nurse maybe? I guess she saw the annoyed expression on my face, or maybe my open eyes, but she wrote something down and immediately ran to tell someone that I was awake. I swear, I am so done with this shit. I curl up into a ball and hide my face in my knees as I try to go to sleep, only to hear someone else coming in. I look up to see someone with a uniform that looks more like a doctor's, they have a little they/them pro noun pin on them, but it looks pretty beaten and worn. Idiot should know better than to come out in public around here. They have short strawberry blonde hair and a clipboard with a pen behind their ear.

"Good evening dear, My name's Dr. Andy, I see your awake?""


"Oh, gloomy? You must be quite exhausted so I'll only ask a few questions and then I'll let you rest." They explain as they sit down in a little poofy chair and look at the paper on their clipboard. "Can you tell me which number I'm holding up?"

Dr. Andy's arm raises and I can see a few fingers being held up, but I didn't realize how dizzy I am until now.

"three?" I take a guess, I think they notice but I honestly don't give two flying twirling beloved shits.

"Alright, do you understand why your here?" They ask as they scribble something down.

"uhm, the last thing I remember is feeling woozy so maybe I overdosed on something? Underdosed maybe?"

Andy nodded quietly before continuing. "Lastly, are you aware of your weight..?"


~481 words (not including this)~

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