~8~ Lily says 6 words. Some other stuff happens too.

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Noah's POV:

       I immediately rush into Michael's hospital room, slowing my pace a little as Lily grabs my arm. My eye follows the room for a split second before I see Michael in a blue puffy chair. 

"Hey, u like dead or?" Lily asks.

He opens one eye, seemingly irritated. "oop sorryy" Lily fixes herself.

I walk over and sit on the floor next to him, resting my head on his leg.

"Are you okay?" I question, he doesn't give more than a nod though. I sit up and hug his leg, I love him so much.. I just wish I could tell him without making a fool of myself. Lily walks over and gives him a hug, but I think he's a bit too tired to care. I'm too tired to care about her either. I can feel myself drifting off to sleep as he slumps deeper into the seat. 

~149 words (not including this)~

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter and for not posting much. If you have heard of the whole lockdown situation that happened in America then my school was one of those schools. I feel terrible for all of the students in the other schools, as a lot of classmates and friends thought that they were never going to see their families again. I wish the best for everyone else involved, and I'm so glad that it was just some hoax. (I had a friend ask so a hoax is essentially just something fake, almost like a false alarm.) I had a 2-hour delay for school so I thought I would write this :)

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