~3~ Jealousy

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Noah's POV:

       I ended up splitting up with Lily as she has math for 8th period and I have art.. I wish our eighth period classes were closer together-- it's kinda hard walking while there's a whole ocean of other students trying to get to their classes, especially as a twig like me T-T. 

My thoughts come to a stop once I see Michael turning the corner, maybe I'll go up and say hey!- or maybe not.. My smile immediately falls into a frown once I see Mark next to my love. If that wasn't bad enough their holding hands?? How come that mean bully is able to get so close to Mikey but not me..?  

Tears start to form in my eyes but I quickly wipe them away before anyone sees me crying, and then I realized that I had stopped walking so I started to speed-walk to art. Whatever, whatever, whatever. I try to tell myself that I'm just being a baby and that I should shut up about it- but I decide that it's probably best if I just forget about it for now.

Once I finally make it to art I find my seat next to the window and wait for Mr. Gibi to give the rest of the class directions. A few moments later he announces that we will be doing a watercolor of a bouquet of flowers, which I am extremely excited for as I love flowers! I already forgot all about mark.

~248 words (not including this)~

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