~9~ I'm not a simp!!-

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Michael's POV:

        I wake up slowly and I think it's already morning. Wait what the- I- huh-!? 

      I almost jump as a see Noah asleep, I think my heart's gonna fucking explode. It's not like we haven't hugged before or whatever, but it's been a long time since then, and it's just.. I don't really know, different I guess? I sink deeper, glad to get a good night's rest. I slowly reach down, running my fingers down his head and through his silky hair.

   It's so adorable the way his soft red strands wrap around my fingers in a curl, I don't know why.. It's just- ugh, it's like he makes me go insane! I groan lightly, slumping to the side. 

 "oooo! Someone's in loooveee~" 

I turn back to see Lily hovering over the side of the chair, and I almost let out a yelp.  "when did you get here?" I manage to ask

"Uhh like- uh haha! We don't talk about that!" 

"fine, but I'm not in love! I'm dating Mark and you know that!" To be honest, what I'm saying is only partially true. Mark is honestly, kinda annoying. One second he refuses to touch me at all and the next he's clinging to me like a koala!

"mmm suree so like, why r u still stoking his hair? :o You're not a simp, are you??" 

"I'm not a simp!!-" I defend, only realizing my mistake after when I feel rustling beneath me.

Noah's POV:

 mmmhh... I feel horrible as I open up my eyes, rubbing the sleep crust out. I reach around for my glasses, to find them laying on the floor next to me. Yawning I slump into someone's hand, looking up I see it belongs to Michael.

wait. It. belongs. to. Michael.

I instantly turn red out of embarrassment and blush. Backing away, I try to hide my face in my hands but ultimately fail.

"sorry, did I wake you up?"

~320 words (not including this)~

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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