~4~ Outside

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⚠️WARNING- Mention of passing out, implied eating disorder ⚠️

Lily's POV:

          Oml I swear school FINALLY ended, and so I'm waiting outside the school for Noah and Michael. Tbh I have no idea why Noah doesn't wanna talk to Mikey inside of school, like who cares if his friends don't want him talking to us! Besides, it's not like we're  the bad influences, and keeping Mikey from his friends is just toxic af, like it's the red flags for meee!! Wait oop Noah's comingg!!

"Hey Lili.." He's always using that nickname, not saying it isn't cutee but like- 2019-2020 vibes??

"omg heyyy bitch!!- wait I'm getting less bad bitch vibes here,  do I need to get the axe?"



I can feel Noah's confusion at my sudden mood change- but if someone hurts my bestie then this shits getting serious!!

"It's nothing-.." He squirms slightly, instantly telling me that it's clearly not nothing. 



I let him off the hook cause Mikey is coming overr soo~

Michael's POV:

        I hear the two talking about something, but I decide not to question them about it. Rather I sneak up behind Noah and hug him quickly, amused at his small yelp. I see his face getting kinda red, but I just brush it off as he probably ran pretty fast to get outside to meet up with Lily. Talking about Lily she is laughing her ass off, making me chuckle as well. Soon all three of us are all dying of laughter, but I can get myself to slow the laughing to a stop. 

      I feel my stomach growl silently, well the others don't seem to react so I think it was silent? I can feel myself getting a little woozy, but I brush it off and blame it on the laughing. A few moments later the dizziness gets worse and everything getting kinda wavy.. almost like a dream.. Fully convinced I'm dreaming my eyes are heavy and so I close them.. only for a moment though, right? Just then I feel my head hitting the cold hard concrete just as everything goes black..

~343 words (not including this)~

An Unexpected Blossom - An Enchael story -Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora