Chapter Four

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We pull into the driveway and get out of the car. I walk into the house "why don't you go change into something more comfortable? Techno said he was going fencing so it's just us two," Phil suggests, I nod and walk up to my room. I grab some joggers and a jumper, then walk back down the stairs to see my dad standing there with two Cinnabon in his forest green robe and jim-jams. I smile slightly, I missed this. Ever since my Mum died we stopped having movie nights. I and my Dad walk over to the couch and gets situated, he passes me my Cinnabon and flicks through some films. He picks the musical, Hamilton, mine and my Mums and favourite.

I slowly feel my eyes start to close and the film muffles a bit as I drift into a silent night.

Phil pov

I feel a weight slump onto my shoulder and look over to see Wil asleep on my shoulder, soft snores coming from his mouth. I smile softly, he hasn't fallen asleep on me since Kristen died. I move out of the way and lay his head on a pillow, I get up and walk down the hall to grab a small duvet and carefully lay it over him. I shut the film off and grab our dishes, I walk to the kitchen and set them in the basin to wash in the morning. I let out a quiet yawn and walk upstairs to my room to message Techno that Wilbur was asleep on the couch so he had to be quiet then slowly fell into a peaceful sleep.

Wilbur pov

I wake up to the sound of my Dad quietly cursing in the kitchen "Dad? Are you ok?" I ask from the couch, where I presumably fell asleep last night "Wil? Sorry, did I wake you?" he asks "it's okay I was already awake" I lie, "well, would you like some eggs and toast with some bacon? Technos just left for school" I get up and walk to the kitchen "yes please, and ok" he nods and cracks two more eggs on the skillet. He serves up two plates, and sits in front of me, "dad have you ever said something on accident but what you said was really, really bad?" I ask "oh Wil, your horrible at lying but once yes, why what's up?" he responds "well I accidentally said something really bad to Tommy but it just slipped out, there was no real meaning behind it," I say and he sighs "if you really do feel bad about it then you should talk to Tommy about it, not me," he says then gets up to wash up. "Dad, I'm gonna go up and message Tommy, okay?" he nods "yup, that's fine Wil," he says, I leave and go upstairs to my room and type out a message to Tommy,

'hey Tommy, I know you are in class right now but I just wanted to say that I'm so, so, so, sorry about what I said yesterday and wanted you to know that I really care about you, have a good day' and I press send after reading it over "Wil, just so you know I've booked you an appointment with Bad today, okay?" Phil yells up to me, "Okay," I answer. I shut down my pc and decide to lie down.

"Wilbur" I hear a voice say "ooh, Wilbur~" it repeats, I open my eyes only to realize that I'm not in my room anymore, I'm standing on nothing, in a black void. "Hello~," something says from behind me, I spin on my heel and see a male figure standing before me, he's wearing an old, slightly ripped, green jumper and black cargo pants, I think. I look up to face him but instead of a face, I'm greeted by a white smile mask, it's rather creepy, to be honest. "Hello, Wilbur" he greets, but I'm completely frozen, unable to move or talk, "my name is Zagreus, but all my friends call me Dream," he says, hold up how the fuck does this man know my name, "you may have some questions but that doesn't matter at the moment, you are here because you are not who you think you are, your own mother lied to you, but worry not that's what I'm here for, I want to enlighten you to your full ability" he pauses and glances around the void but quickly looks back to me "now, your mother is-" another voice cuts him off "hi, Dream!" the blue ghost greets "Ghostbur" Dream sneers and I recoil at the sudden anger "what are you two up too?" the blue- Ghostbur asks "well that doesn't seem like any of your business" Dream responds, and Ghostbur floats towards me and rests his hands on my shoulders "Well, didn't me and Death tell you not to bother Wilbur?" the ghost questions. What in the world is happening? why can't I wake up and why is Dream saying my mother lied? But before I can ask I begin to fall, away from Dream and Ghostbur and I wake up in my bed, to  Phil calling my name and lightly shaking me "Wil? Its time to go, Bads waiting" he says, I grumble and roll out of bed, unknowingly directly onto Phil "Humph! Wilbur, Wil get off!" I wake up fully and quickly scramble to get off of Phil "oh! Shit, sorry Phil" he groans as he uses my bed to help pull himself up. "Are you okay, dad? Did I break any of your old fragile bones?" he rolls his eyes at me "seriously mate, I'm not that old!" Phil says, and I laugh a bit, "alright mate, let's go" Phil says as he walks out of my room and down the stairs. I grab my phone from my bedside table and walk downstairs to the front door where Phil stands waiting for me. I slide my shoes on and Phil opens the door then walks out, I follow him out and into the car. He pulls out of the drive and we start the short journey to Bads office. "Dad, do you ever miss her?" I ask reluctantly, something flashes across his face for a second that looks like grief and sorrow, "Wil, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss her," he informs me. The rest of the drive is filled with the silence and grief of something long gone.

Phil pov

Wilbur sits in silence as we drive to the therapist, he seems to be wanting to say something but is holding it back, "Dad, do you ever miss her?" he asks seemingly reluctant, we both know exactly who he's talking about, because there was only ever one her, Kristin my late wife who died when Wilbur was only young. "Wil, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss her," I tell him, the rest of the drive is one of silence, it's funny really, missing someone who's been gone so long and Wil's been alive longer than he knew her. When Wilbur was born, Kristen had promised that she would always be there to help, but why make a promise so easily broken? This wasn't how it was supposed to go, Kristin was supposed to be here to help me, she was supposed to be here to help me comfort Wil when he needed a hug. She was always so much better than me at comforting people, even after she got sick...

Wil deserves better than me, it should've been me, I should have been the one to get sick. She had so much more to give to the world, she was an absolutely amazing artist and was so smart especially when it came to biology. Wil needs his mother but this cruel world snuffed her away from him, from me, and from everyone before she was ready to leave. I feel a tear slide down my cheek, then another, and another, and before I know it there was a waterfall of tears falling down my face. Luckily we pull into the parking lot and Wil undoes his safety belt and mutters a quick goodbye. As he walks to the doors I see tears rolling down his pink cheeks, I wish I would've noticed.


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