Chapter six

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I hear Phil shout from downstairs "Boys? I'm home" he yells "Alright Toms, let's go" I say as he follows me downstairs to help dad with groceries. We get downstairs and see Phil on the phone and Techno looking extremely worried "Techno? What's wrong, big man?" Tommy asks, Techno just gives me a look saying, take Tommy out of here, I nod and pull Tommy to the kitchen to start cutting carrots for dinner. A couple of minutes later dad walks in looking extremely worried, I ignore it and he comes to help with the food, "dad? Where's Techno going?" Tommy says and Phil sighs "he just went to help Puffy quickly," dad says and continues filling the pot with water.

Phil pov

I get home and Techno's sitting on the couch, the other two are probably upstairs, "Boys? I'm home" I say then begging to carry the bags, only to be interrupted by my phone ringing, I set the bags down and walk back inside to retrieve my phone. I walk through the door only to see Techno standing there, phone held to his ear and brows furrowed, he hands me the phone "It's Puffy" he says worriedly.

"Hello?" I say curiously, "Phil! Oh thank god, he's here," puffy says quickly "you mean Schlatt?" I ask, Schlatt's Tubbo's dad, but Puffy just tells everyone that he's her son, because legally he is. "Yes, he's here and he's angry, do you think we could come to stay with you for a little while?" she asks hopefully "ya sure, the kids might have to share rooms though," I say "that's fine" she pauses for a second "do you need Techno to come and distract Schlatt?" I ask,

last time this happened it was Kristin who kept Schlatt busy whilst puffy got out with Niki and Tubbo, "yes please that would be a huge help" Puffy says "'kay let me tell him" I turn to Techno who looks extremely stressed "mate, could you go help Puffy, its Schlatt" he nods, just then Wil and Tommy come downstairs "Techno? What's wrong, big man?" Tom asks but Wilbur just guides him to the kitchen "Puffy?" I ask to make sure she's still on the line "yes?" she responds immediately "Techno's on his way" I hear her sigh "okay, thank you, well see you soon" she says then the line clicks and Techno opens the door and walks out.

I walk into the kitchen and start filling a pot with water for the carrots, "dad? Where's Techno going?" Tommy says and I sigh "he just went to help Puffy quickly," I respond and continue filling the pot.

About half an hour later Techno opens the door with Puffy, Niki, and Tubbo right behind him, I walk out of the kitchen and over to the front door, Techno's nose is bleeding and he's holding his hand over his eye, Puffy has some bruises covering her face and arms "come upstairs, I'll get you settled. Techno, go to the bathroom I'll be there in a minute" I instruct, Techno nods and the rest of them follow me. I show Tubbo to Tommy's room at the end of the hall, and he walks in to get settled, next I show Puffy to the Guest bedroom across from Tommy's room and she mutters a quick thanks and that she's going to take a nap.

"Now," I say, turning to face Niki "you can stay in Wilbur's or Techno's room, but if that makes you uncomfortable then you're more than welcome to sleep on the couch," I say but Niki looks to be a thousand miles away "if it's alright I might sleep on the couch tonight," she says "that's perfectly fine, I'll call you when dinner is ready," I tell her and she nods slowly, her mind still somewhere else. I walk downstairs and see Wilbur waiting at the bottom for me "dad? What happened?" he asks as I sigh "Schlatt" I respond and we both leave it at that, then I walk over to the bathroom to help Techno.

"Hey, Tech?" I ask through the door "come in" he says quietly "hey mate, what happened?" I shut the door behind me

"he had a knife, Phil, he was going to stab Puffy," he says,

why am I not surprised "it's okay, she's safe here," I gently rub his back "how'd that happen?" I gesture towards his black eye and bloody nose "well, he was running at us with the knife so I punched him and he got the jump on me" he sighs and I wrap him in a hug "it's alright, mate, let's go help those idiots before they burn down the house" I chuckle and he follows me out to the kitchen. we walk out to utter chaos, the frying pan is on fire, Tommy's running around, and Wil's hitting the pan with a cloth and yelling at Tommy to stop running. dear god, I sigh and we walk in to help them with this mess "alright! Tommy, calm down, Wilbur stop hitting the pan and relax" I say and Wilbur steps away they both listen, "techno can you put out the pan?" he nods and walks over to where Wil is. While Techno deals with the pan, I figure I can ask Niki if she wants to help, considering she likes cooking.

"hey, Niki? I was wondering if you wanted to help us make dinner?" she sits up and looks at me then smiles "of course, I heard quite a bit of yelling earlier and was wondering if I should interfere" she chuckles and follows me to the kitchen. As we walk through the doorway she mutters "holy hell" and I muffle a laugh under my breath, considering there is still cooking oil on the walls and ingredients scattered on the floor "okay, Wil you start seasoning the pork, Techno you cut the chips and, Tommy" he brightens up at the mention of him getting to help and Niki continues "can you start filling a pot with water considering the other one was dumped on the ground" Tommy salutes Niki and she takes a seat at the island to supervise them. Knowing that they were under control I figure I should probably check on Tubbo.

Tubbo pov

Why can't he just piss off, I mean he had a knife for god sake, Techno and Puffy tried to block our view but we all knew he was on a murder mission. I'm so done with his bullshit, I get up and start moving my things into a second dresser because after events like this Puffy always gets super paranoid and we end up staying here for like, two months, but it's whatever I don't mind it cause Tommy's here so we can hang out more. I still miss having my own space though, luckily Tom understands and gives me time when I need it.

I hear a knock at my door, and Phil's voice comes from the other side "Tubbo?" I get up and walk over to the door. I open it and Phil walks in, after shutting it I take a seat next to him on Tommy's bed "how ya feeling mate?" he asks "I'm fine, just pissed that he tried to pull another stunt" Phil sighs from beside me "ya, I'm not too happy with him either" he agrees "how's Tommy?" I ask, curious about how he's been since Wil deadnamed him "he's good, why?" Phil asks, oh crap what if he didn't tell Phil "did Tommy tell you why he and Wilbur weren't talking?" I ask and he sighs "what happened?" I shift to look at him

"well the other morning in the car, Wilbur and Techno were in a disagreement and Tommy interrupted them" Phil sighs and gestures for me to continue "Well, I guess Wilbur was stressed, and accidentally deadnamed him" I finish and Phil looks like he just solved a puzzle "so that's what he was talking about, that makes more sense now, thanks for telling me, mate, oh by the way, dinner should be ready soon if you want to wash up and come down," he says and I nod. After he closes the door behind him I sigh. I look around and spot Wilbur's lyric book, I get up and grab it from Tommy's bedside table and flip through a couple of pages when I see a song called 'My Mum Was Right', is this why he was all weird when Phil asked if he had any new songs, I figure that I'm invading his privacy and head downstairs for dinner.

Wilbur pov

"Dinner!" Phil yells as Tommy finishes setting the table, I see Puffy trudge down the steps along with Tubbo in front of her. I take a seat across from Tommy, I'm in between Techno and Niki. Phil and Puffy sit at the heads of the table, then Tubbo takes a seat next to Tommy.

The meal is filled with silence and the odd conversation between Tommy and Tubbo. I finish my plate rather quickly and look to Phil who is sadly looking at the empty seat next to him, where my mother would be sitting if she was still alive, "may I be excused?" I ask Phil and he nods without looking up, I walk upstairs and into my room, gently closing the door behind me. I glance at the clock that hangs on my wall and see that it's only seven pm

completely ignoring how early it is. I flop onto my bed and drift into a dreamless night.


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