Chapter Ten

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"You might think Im going insane and I can understand why, but hear me out, okay?" I say "alright" Niki smiles and grabs my hand. "So it started when-" I begin but she cuts me off "Ranboo?" I look behind me and see Ranboo standing with a glazed look over his... Purple? Eyes, "Ranboo? Are you good?" I ask nervously "Wil?" he says hollowly.

Niki stands up and walks over to him, she puts her hand on his shoulder and it's immediately shoved off.

Ranboo pov

This happens every so often, I let Lady Death aka Kristin, control my body and I get to see my Mums, its a win, win. She calls it enderwalking, but I dont really care about that.

My Mums got sick with a lung sickness and passed away two weeks later, only Tubbo knows but he really helped me throught it. "Ranboo? Are you ready? I'm about to bring them in" Lady Death says "alright" I say "Boo?" I turn around and see my Mums, Amari who I call Mum and Rosa who I call Mama.

"Mum, Mama" I say and they run over to me "oh, we've missed you!" Mum says "its been so long since we saw you last time" Mama says "who did you say you were staying with? Puffy, Right? Isn't that Tubbos Mum?" Mum asks.

Before you judge me for lying to my parents let me explain, one I'm very independent and work as a barista so I can pay for the groceries and I dont have to pay for the house because we bought it outright, two how would you feel if your parents died and you didnt want to burden anyone.

"Yup!" I say in response "oh, and how's she doing, good I hope" Mama says "ya she's good" I say "that's lovely" Mum says.

Kristin pov

"You might think Im going insane and I can understand why, but hear me out, okay?" I hear Wil say from around the corner "alright" Niki smiles and grabs his hand, I've always liked Niki.

"So it started when-" Wil begins but Niki cuts him off as she sees me peek around the corner "Ranboo?" Niki says and Wil turns around and looks at me as well "Ranboo? Are you good?" he asks nervously "Wil?" I say. Niki stands up and walks over to me, she puts her hand on Ranboos shoulder, and I shove it off.

I walk over to Wilbur and reach out to grab his hand but he recoils "W-what are you doing?" he asks then his head snaps over to the corner where the ghosts of Ranboo and his Mums stand. Thats not good, that means Im losing control of his abilities. "Wil, what are you looking at?" Niki asks "uh... nothing" he says quietly "Wil, I need to talk with you," I say.

He glances over at Niki "Ill be in the kitchen" she says then leaves "Wilbur, you cant listen to Dream, he has no understanding of what he is trying to tell you" he nods "and these nightmares you're getting are dangerous, so be careful because if you get injured in them then it will translate to the real world" I say.

He nods swiftly "right, it's rather late and you better get some sleep, goodbye," I say and walk back up to Tommys room.

Ranboo pov

"Hello," Kristin says from behind me. I turn around and see Lady Death standing there, "time to go I presume," Mum says "I'm afraid so," Kristin responds "Ill see you next time, Mum, Mama, I love you," I say "we love you too Boo," Mama says and they slowly fade away.

"Once again Ranboo, I really appreciate it, thank you," Kristin says "it's no issue, I dont mind," I say and she pulls me into a hug "Ill see you next time, my angel" she says and everything turns dark.

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