Chapter Seven

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I wake up slowly, hearing Tommy and Tubbo chatter back and forth as they Probably eat breakfast. I roll out of bed, dragging the sheets off with me, as I thud onto the ground can hear someone shuffle their feet in front of the door, "hello?" I call out, "hey Wil" Niki's voice rings through the door. I get off my arse and walk over to the door, I open it slightly "what's up?" I ask curiously "well, you-" she pauses and looks down "listen Wil, I don't want to offend you or anything but, I think the song about your mum is causing more stress than helping, like you thought it would" she explains and doesn't look up from the floor.

I pause and take a minute to process her words "what are you saying" I grumble, "do you want me to stop. because I won't, of all people you should know that" I snap.

"I- well" she begins to say but I won't ever know what she was trying to say because she walks away and leaves me to my thoughts. Entering my room again I close the door and sit on my bed, "Mum? If you can hear me, I think I'm going insane. I keep seeing a city with Blackstone walls being blown up, there are even times I'm the one pressing the detonation button. The other day I saw Tommy but not our Tommy, he was scratched up and looked really sad, like he needed a hug. Dream said that I'm not who I think I am and that you lied to me but I don't know-" I pause as a noise, almost like a whimper comes from my door but keep going "I keep yelling at people for no reason and no matter how hard I try, I can't control it and it sucks!" I hear the noise again and slowly creep up to my door so as to not make any noise, I open my door fast and see Tommy sitting in front of me with tears rolling down his cheeks. "Tommy? What are you doing?" he flinches up and looks at me "come in, come on," I say and pick him up then proceed to carry him to my bed "Toms, what's wrong?" I ask and he begins to open his mouth to speak but is interrupted by Tubbo's yell of fear, he tries again "you were talking to Mum, right? do you see her too?" he asks, what?! "Wait, you see her?" he nods, this is news to me! "Is that what the nightmare was the other night?" I say and he nods "Wilbur? Do you know someone called dream?" Tommy asks hesitantly and I answer "yes, but what does he have to do with this?" and he looks shocked "you mean he doesn't show you L'manburg?" wait that's a place other Tommy mentioned "I'm sorry what's that?" I ask and he releases a shuttering breath "Tommy?" his head snaps towards me "I think you should talk to Phil and if not someone who can help, like a therapist," I say slowly and cautiously as to not frighten the boy.

Tommy pov

No, no. big men dont need therapy 'but Tommy, doesn't your Wilbur go to therapy?' One of the multiple voices says but specifically the voice of Ghostbur echos through my head, and quite frankly his voice is the only welcome one, mainly cause he's always offering me blue or helping me in some sort of way "Nah, Im a big man, and can handle it myself" I say, more trying to convince myself that Wil, he sighs at my statement "Tommy, you can tell me if you're not okay, I wouldnt be angry and neither would Phil or Techno" be he comforts sounding awfully like Ghostbur "listen, how about we go for a walk and talk about this later, so you have time to think Wilbur proposes and I nod already deep in thought. Wil stands up and ruffles my hair as I follow his actions, "Phil me, and Tommy are headed out for a walk alright?" Wilbur yells down to Phil "yup all good, mate" Phil yells back as I bend down to tie my laces.

For the beginning of the walk Wil is just silent but, so am I, "thanks for this Wilby" I say but immediately regret opening my mouth as Wil snorts a laugh "WAIT! Fuck! No-" "Did you just call me fucking Wilby?!" he screeches as people throw us looks. Wilbur continues to laugh to himself for a minute or two before falling back into silence. After about ten more minutes he stops and pulls me with him through some fence, "Listen I want to show you that song I told you about yesterday but I wanted you to understand the importance of this to me, you'll be the first one to hear it so..." Wil trails off, he keeps dragging me behind him until we stop at some clearing just off the path he was showing me down "here goes nothing" he says, more to himself then me, then sighs and takes his guitar from its case which I had no clue he grabbed till now.

Then he begins
875 words
Sorry bit off a shorter chapter today hope fully I can get one out I've the weekend. Remember go drink some water grab some to eat and take care of yourself, I love you <3

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