Chapter Nine

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Tommy pov

"Hey, Niki!" I greet her as she dusts nothing off of her apron. "Hey Tommy, where did you and Wil run off to this morning?" she asks. I open my mouth to answer her but promptly shut it, should I tell her? The song and the spot he picked seemed very special, to him. "He just wanted to show me something" I settle on. She smiles and says something to herself. "What was that?" I ask out of pure curiosity, "oh nothing," she says and I nod in agreement, and then I'm quickly shoved off my chair and now on the ground. I look up towards my assaulter, only to see Tubbo staring down at me and smirking. "That's what you get for cheating," he says then walks off to his sit, which happens to be across from me. I grumble a bit after Im properly seated on my chair.

Wilbur pov

What have I just walked in on? Tommy's on the ground, Tubbo looks like he is plotting murder, Ranboo is... I don't know where, and Niki is, well, actually she's fine. "Tubbo what do you have?" Phil's voice questions from behind me, and I release an extremely normal scream. "Ǽæ!" I've been ignored, damn. I walk over and take my seat next to where Tommy is crawling up from the floor, grumbling to himself. "Tubbo, I will ask one more time, what do you have." Phil threatens emptily. Tubbo proceeds to hold up a fucking duck "Benson" he says, That's the only context I'm given. Tommy exchanges confused looks with me and I mumble to him "I'm just as confused as you are," he looks back at Tubbo, who has just set the duck, Benson, on the loose in the house. Finally, Techno walks in and takes a seat beside Ranboo, who snuck in and sat next to Tubbo. "Where's Aunt Puffy?" Tubbo asks mainly Phil, "she went out to talk to the police" he answers and takes a seat at the head of the table. "Alright, here you go," Niki says as she gives everyone their food and then takes a seat across from Phil, in Mum's seat. "oh, Wil just so you know, you have an appointment with Bad Tomorrow," Phil says pulling his attention away from the seat in which Niki is sat. I nod and look to Tommy who is already looking nervously at me "NO WAY!" Tubbo yells "you see Dr. Bad too?!" he finishes "just Bad Tubbo" Niki corrects. "Yup," I say a bit awkwardly. "That's so pog Bossman!" he says then his eyes light up in excitement "wait, I have an appointment tomorrow as well! Maybe Phil could drive us both there!" Tubbo points out "sure mate" Phil smile.

After dinner

"Phiiiiill," Tommy whines "can we watch a film?" he asks and Phil sighs "sure go get it set up and we'll be out in a minute to pick" Phil allows "yes! Moana time bitches!" Tommy Yells and runs off as Ranboo and Tubbo groan in unison. "Please not Moana" Ranboo bemoans. "Phiiiil, hurry up!" Tommy whines now from the living room, "oh shut it, child, whining at him won't make him move faster" I say but Tommy is quick to yell at me "oh my god! I'm not a fucking child you bitch! I'm a big man!!" he screams. "C'mon Tommy, let's pick a movie everyone will like," Techno says as he walks out to where Tommy sits angrily in the living room, "so what about Up?" Tommy asks innocently "NOOooOo" Tubbo cries, "you're just picking that cause you know I cry during that film" Jesus christ man, "screw it Im picking it!" I yell and walk over to Tommy "the fuck do you think you're doing?" he asks. I proceed to pick him up and launch him to the other side of the couch and while he is still recovering from the shock I grab the remote and put on Up, solely to spite Tubbo. Admittedly I do want to see Tubbo cry.

Halfway through the film

I look over next to me and see tears flowing from Tubbos eyes "Tubbs, cmon man she already died" Tommy says from the other side of Tubbo. "I know that but once they start there's no stopping them" Tubbo sighs as he cries. "Hello?" Puffy says from the entrance, "in here" I say "oh, Hello- why is Tubbo crying?" she asks then Tommy points up to the film playing on our TV "ah, that explains it" Puffy chuckles as she takes a seat next to Phil. 'This is nice' I think as I cuddle more into Niki who is sitting on the other side of me, "goodnight Wil" Niki mutters softly as I fall into a peaceful sleep.

"Wilbur?" a familiar voice says faintly "Wil wake up! Everything burning!" the same voice screams "what?" I ask groggily, I'm abruptly pulled onto my feet. I open my eyes only to be met with heat, I look over to see who woke me and see the broken-looking Tommy, but a bit younger, like he hadn't been sent to exile yet. He looks up at me with fear in his eyes "Wil?" his voice cracks, "it's alright" I say quietly as I scan the area and see a window that the fire hasn't touched yet "here, follow me," I say grabbing his arm and pulling him behind me. I look out the window and instead of the ground I see a black void, I look at Tommy and he looks petrified "together?" I say and he nods "together," we climb up onto the windows sill and jump. We fall into the void but Tommy starts to disintegrate, "toms?" I ask as he starts to cry "Dream's pulling me back, I miss you Will" he says then he's gone and I wake up.

"Wil?" I hear a more feminine voice say and I open my eyes, "Niki?" she has a worried look on her face "Wil, you were crying, what happened?" she asks kindly as ever. "Well..."


1014 words

hey, guys! been a while!

sorry updates are infrequent it's just after exam week and I'm just trying to get settled in my new classes :/

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