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Here, I'm gonna recommend a song you might wanna listen to while reading this chapter, sooouu today's SOTC (song of the chapter) is "Here With Me" by d4vsd <33



The little boy tried his best not to let his tears run away from his eyes; the footsteps became heavier and heavier as he got closer to their spot. He kept looking down at his hands, which were tightly gripping the neatly packed box with teddy bear stickers and a sky-blue ribbon tied around it.

The poor boy was lost in thought. Now that he was only nine years old, he was experiencing heartbreak after heartbreak! He had convinced himself that he was now a big boy, but now he wished he could go back in time to when he and his best friend held on to each other when they went ice skating every year. Or the wild sleepovers where they stayed up all night playing video games before cuddling up to sleep. But all of them together don't even beat the best one: the lovely picnics under their favourite oak tree.

Soon he reached his destination; realising that the other one hadn't arrived yet, he took the time to start preparing for their picnic. He placed a huge piece of fabric that they only used for their picnics; it was freshly marshmallow white with adorably painted strawberries. Wow, he can still remember vividly how both of them shared so much laughter and joy painting and decorating the fabric with all the fabric paints they once begged their parents for.

Even though it's all covered with dirt and soil now, he still finds them so cute; it's like roasted marshmallows with chocolate-covered strawberries—or that's how he imagined it.

After a while of setting up, the small one noticed a boy hurriedly running towards him. He swiftly grabbed the boy's wrist and pulled him into a hug. All the tears that had been clinging to the eyes escaped in an instant. He tried, again and again, to pull himself together, but he failed miserably when he heard his one and only best friend quietly sobbing on his shoulder. They held onto each other tightly as they could literally sense each other's heartbeat.

"I'm so sorry, Jinnie... I-I broke the promise." Seungmin finally spoke to break the silence; he didn't let go of Hyunjin, and neither did Hyunjin. They were still in each other's embrace.

"Shh, Minnie... you didn't break it all, it's not your fault, and on the bright side, your father got a better job, and you've always wanted to visit America! You wanted to explore the whole Coun-" he replied to Seungmin, but abruptly got cut off while letting go of the embrace, even though the taller one still held the other one by his waist. He shook his head from side to side as he looked at his best friend, whose tears still didn't stop running down his cheeks.

"No!! I always said we were going to explore the country together... I never wanted to leave you; I can't... My life won't be the same if you aren't with me!"

"But we can't do anything, right? What we can do is make the most of our last day; now let's not waste a minute, okay?" Hyunjin looked at Seungmin, hoping his words might comfort the boy in his arms. He nodded in reply, letting himself out of his arms, and reached over to give the gift he had made. Hyunjin acted surprised, his mouth wide open, making little hops around the boy, who giggled at the unexpected behaviour.

"Here, if you want, you can open it now!" Seungmin said while handing the gift to the older who was still hyper with excitement.

Hyunjin didn't waste a second and sat down quickly, making his legs crisscross while placing the gift box on his lap. In a very gentle motion, he untied the ribbon and opened the box, praying that no harm could attack the box.

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