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Hey bababuiss

I am tired, kinda wanna sleep, anyway, Good luck to all my Muslim sisters and brothers, happy Ramadan, I am sure you're doing your best, and best wishes!! (prayers are much appreciated tho please I really don't like when someone wishes me Hayat so 😭😭)

Now, double update and maybe a 3rd one too if I finish it today so haha 💪💪

Also made a new stay friend recently, like she's a year junior but so cute like omgg all stays are so pretty 😥😥

SOTC - "My Immortal" by Evanescence



Felix pushed the mechanical ladder all the way up to the sixth shelf. A massive cupboard with little glass boxes containing exceedingly delicate plants, with strict humidity and temperature adjustment. It was the day they tested the PH level and fertilised them, or, as the twins referred to it, "the kids' monthly checkups, followed by a reward for still being alive.

Jisung was preparing the fertiliser while Felix sampled the soil's PH level. "5.7, so I suppose everything is all right," Felix exclaimed, and Jisung casually nodded in response.

"Don't overfeed the babies this time, or I'll shave your head," he said as he handed over the bottle.

"Oh, come on~ he was just a little tipsy!"

"Shaving your head, it is, then."

Jisung returned to the laptop, haphazardly scribbled some notes on a post-it note, and returned to Felix, "Check the temperature as well; because winter is approaching, and it should be 18° to 20° Celsius."

"Dude, how many times do you need me to remind you that the newest containers are measured in American units??"

"I have a massive hatred towards American measuring units."

"I hope a meteorite falls onto your head," Felix said scoffingly, rolling his eyes, and took the black latex gloves to pick up his phone from his pocket to convert the digits.

"So around... 64° to 68° Fahrenheit"

Both returned to work, one cleaning and watering and the other examining soil and growth. Despite having a cash register and a portion of flowers and houseplants for sale to locals, it wasn't the primary reason this business remained open. It was responsive to the vast of customers, who are horticulturists, plant biologists or anyone in the botany field.

A significant proportion of them generally come here to donate commonly used research purpose-built exotic plants, so they can thoroughly care for them. So, although it's not very favoured among the citizens who reside here, it's beloved by the researchers.

"WHAT'S UP, BABYGIRLS-" Minho yelled as he stormed inside the store, carrying two styrofoam boxes that, based on the smell, appeared to be food. He placed the containers of jjampong onto the table as the boys tagged along and sat down.

Felix muttered as he sloppily opened the chopsticks. Jisung, on the other hand, appeared slightly odd. He is typically the one who rivals Felix to finish the food first, but today he was gentle and even opened the chopsticks for him.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ‖ 𝐒𝐊𝐙Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant