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Happy late valentines day intestines ♡♡♡

Continuing the wish - if you're under 20, please remember that you have many, many years left to find love, please try to enjoy your childhood and young adulthood. Of course finding love is really important for every individual in different ways but isn't the only thing to survive for. You're loved, maybe not romantically at the moment but still loved and appreciated. Crying over not having a valentine or partner at such young age is pointless, and that's my opinion. You're still young and most importantly, you're not an adult and in order to become an adult is to make mistakes and learn from them (goes for the people who had experienced heartbreak or smth similar).

So I hope you all understand my point, if you want, you can share your opinions too, but be respectful, please :))

NOW ATTENTION TO ME (nwjns reff hihi)


If you didn't know, I am a nerd, a freak who studies 24/7 and still gets grades 80-90 LIKE I WANT 100 WHYYY

anyway, I'm back and I am so sorry for disappearing; I'll try my best to get back on track and hopefully finish it asap (stayc reff)

Also i submitted novel for a writing competition, hopefully my teacher likes it and sends me to the finals idhwoquq LIKE IF IT WAS IN ENGLISH I WOULD FORSURE BE ACCEPTED BUT IT'S IN ESTONIAN AHHSHHSHE

if ya didn't know; ouioui I'm asian, but I live in a baltic country (eu) and yes I'm fluent in Estonian but I'm not the greatest with poetic style in that language

So yeah, pray for me y'all and #rip for me 💕💕

Today's SOTC is "THE SOUND" by skz bc ANOTHER SKZ NOISY (like the antos say stfu) ADDED TO LIST AND PLSS IT'S SO GOOD



Seungmin locked the apartment door thoroughly, double-checking it to ensure himself, knowing he was departing the apartment securely.

Ever since discovering the high crime rate in his area, the frightfulness in his soul clenches every time he steps outside.

He entered the elevator, and his eyes quickly diverted to the giant wall mirror; an aubergine varsity jacket with ebony-coloured denim and a black side bag off his shoulder-fashionable yet casual.

He preferred to dress up whenever he went out. It's not like he demanded people's attention on his clothes. Instead, he enjoyed putting on pleasant clothing for himself; it's the same as giving yourself a sweet treat, as he imagined.

A faint sound of notification buzzed on his phone; "Innie" was written on top. "I'm done with my shift! You can come to pick me up now~." He took this as a sign and dashed out the doorway to Jeongin's café.

Due to today's abrupt, intense rainfall, there were puddles everywhere, not to mention the vast construction of brand-new residents as well as the route, which was agonising to walk on, and boy, it was even worse for Seungmin, who figured it would be an excellent idea to wear a lovely pair of white sneakers.

Fortunately, the almighty Seungmin's prayer was granted as he tiptoed along the downtown streets, begging not to get stained.

Eventually, he reached the bus terminal. He glanced at his phone, figuring he'd be late if the bus did not show up in 7 minutes.

In haste, he maintained the pace and examined the bus timetable, which was hung on a pole directly beside the seats.

As he decided to turn back, his body collided with someone. The whole incident occurred so quickly that it became impossible to comprehend; however, for Seungmin, his gaze went up immediately as he bumped, and fortunately for him, the boy who he had just unexpectedly walked into slipped off balance, and just when the boy was going to fall down, Seungmin swiftly grasped onto his wrist.

"Hi, oh gosh, I-I'm so sorry. My apologies... I'm sorry I didn't see you here." Seungmin blurred out, humiliation slowly creeping into his bare skin.

Like an old film reel, his mind kept replaying the scene. But the man in front of him was more significant at the time. He appeared almost as tall as him-dressed in a heathered grey turtleneck and a long, knee-length black coat.

Seungmin tried to examine him closer, but considering that he was wearing a mask, he couldn't tell who he was. But the eyes did capture his attention.

"Don't worry, I'm the one who deserves to apologise for approaching so unexpectedly, but...t-thank you a lot for catching me," He said this while patting his overcoat to brush off any dust, but as his attention was drawn to the boy standing in front of him, he froze.

It puzzled Seungmin-was it something he did that caused him to zone out, or did he actually look that horrible today?

"S-Sorry.. are you-" He continued, but before he could finish, the bus arrived, prompting everyone to hurry onboard.

Seungmin felt terrible, like really guilty, for abandoning the poor guy, but if he hadn't gone for the bus, he would have had to show up late. Therefore, sacrifices must be made.

"I'm sorry for having to say this, but my bus has arrived. Again, I'm sorry-" Seungmin said as he bowed several times before sprinting to the bus.

On the other hand, the man had been abruptly cut off, but seeing the other one hurrying towards the bus prompted him to step back so as not to interrupt him.

However, in his mind, the photo painting similarities with somebody he knew still hadn't let themselves go. He endeavoured to connect the dots-from left to right, then from top to bottom.

Eventually, some did connect, but others could not, and as time passed, the vision continued to dissolve into the blandness of the sight.

He raised his head to take one last glance at the bus, though as the eyes wandered to the windows, it was unwittingly locked up with somebody else who also appeared to be looking out the window.

Seungmin realised the young man had detected him stupidly staring at him, causing him to have a self-conscious sensation creeping everywhere around his body. But, to his delight, the man reciprocated with a bright smile.

Although he was covered in a mask, his eyes conveyed the message, so it would be a mistruth if Seungmin didn't feel perhaps a little delighted.

The bus soon went on to its new destination, leaving the bus terminal primarily empty.

It was an unusual situation where the male was now left alone. In reality, the surroundings weren't unknown, given that it is a popular location for strolling around for the man, but today it felt different.

He shook his head to regain concentration and took baby steps towards the bus schedule.

Initially, he ended up going there to collect the stickers that teenagers keep putting up "for fun," and although this was despised by the elders, he favoured it since it fueled his sticker-collecting obsession.

Not such an ordinary day, after all.


Yeah it's a bit shorter than the previous ones, but hopefully you all like it, anyway please any criticism and feedbacks would be very appreciated ♡♡

Thank you so much, hope you all have a good day, eat well and stay healthy, cya in the next chapter <33


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