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what's up my banana piranhas <333

y'all please pray for me, this is my 5th time catching cold in the last 4 months (3 exactly bc the 3rd one was covid)

like rn I can't even get out of bed, throat sore asf, lightheaded and coughing 24/7 souu help the poor soul in need ❤️‍🩹

SOTC - "Sex, Drugs, Etc." by Beach Weather



pov. ???

Another day has come and gone, and to be frank, it went somewhat pleasantly. I'll consider giving it a seven because, well, why not? I successfully sold two artworks, even though they were barely worth two bucks each. And not to mention, the precious individuals who purchased it seemed to appreciate it quite a lot, at least from what they said.

Nevertheless, I'm glad I brought delight to their eyes.

I stay in an isolated neighbourhood a few blocks from downtown, though near enough to walk there in about half an hour. Now, I don't intend to be negative, but where I live is filled with unfortunate people who are impoverished. So the thing is, I'm not underprivileged or destitute, and how I have stumbled across here is an astounding story... For now, I'll save it for later.

I stepped through the small doorway, which was neatly connected with trees. The scenery may not be appealing to everyone, but somehow this place provides me amazement, since I am the sort of person who recognises beauty in everything. Despite all the obstacles, people will not give up and fight this life; instead, they will cherish it to the fullest. They will work extremely hard and have faith in a brighter future, and I adore witnessing the love, the hardships, and everything in between. They've shown me so much.

As I reached inside, I observed the adorable smiles on the cheeks of exhausted elderly ladies who greeted me. They've all known me since I arrived here. They referred to me as the "sweetheart prince," and I didn't seem to mind. And besides, I earned that nickname for the generosity I have given or presented to them. Some grandmothers (I mean, they're not my real grandmothers, but they act like it, so it doesn't hurt to think of them as such, right?) have also helped me. For example, the first one I got to know, Granny Ari (aka the one I'm closest to), taught me how to prepare meals and make clothing for myself, and I'm so grateful for that.

Now, occasionally, when I have spare time, I make handicrafts for myself and others. My favourite is to crochet warm blankets and jackets for others. Each winter, I make them for everyone with the help of grandma Ari, so they can survive warmly and cosily, not to mention they're super fashionable too! Seeing their eyes light up every time they get something for me is undesirable euphoria. I wish I could provide them with something more, though for now, I'm doing the best I can, and I hope they can appreciate it.

I entered the miniature house next to the river, which streamed throughout this neighbourhood. It had previously been someone else's home, but he gratefully consented to let me live there as well, but his storyline ended a few months later. I miss him sometimes because he was also among the most extraordinary people I have ever gotten to know in my lifetime.

Typically, when I get home, I cook for myself or work on an art or crochet project; however, my heart kept telling me otherwise today. He didn't feel like doing anything productive today? What is he attempting to say? Nonetheless, I followed my heart's lead and did what it demanded. I stirred some hot coffee as usual, but my attention was immediately drawn to the window-well, not the window itself, but the scenery outside the window. A full moon and a clear sky all at once? Isn't it a great blessing?

I rushed out of the house towards the river for a better look, and it wasn't simply "better"; the moon's perfect reflection seemed painted on the river's surface. Truthfully, the view astonished me. I knelt down by the river and made myself at ease.

I've always loved painting landscapes, but today I merely wanted to sense the warm breeze hugging my body as it swept by. I analysed the tints, dazzle, depth, and shadows-some claim this is how a painter views the world. He examines it the way he would paint it. Perhaps it's true? Regardless, I wish I had motivation because painting this would be lovely...

Nowadays, the first thing that springs to mind whenever people notice these certain sights or things seems to be to snap a picture as a recollection to reflect on. And though, despite how much I like photography in general, I preferred to be the focus of other people's photography.

But would you like to know what I do instead of shooting pictures? I love painting them. When you snap a picture, you're capturing the realism of the moment you're getting ready to click the shutter. However, I rather enjoy fiction, imagination, or how I perceive it being presented to others. Or perhaps I'm just better at it?

I lowered my gaze to the water, which shimmered as the golden moonlight glistened on top of it. However, that wasn't the only thing that was shining. As I leant down, my silver necklace seemed to glow along with them. I only stared at it. If being honest, I completely forgot about it because of all the work I was doing these days. My body shivered a bit at the sudden memory burst, though I wasn't mad...at all?

I enjoy revisiting memories of simpler times when I didn't have to worry about anything. The times when the main reason to live was to play with my best friend every day, the times my life was like a perfect Disney movie. Privileged, wealthy, loving parents, best friend, everything.

I often wonder where he is or how he's doing. There's an enormous part of me that wants to find him again. I want to see how he looks now. I want him.

After he left, I was truly all alone in this world. I had none. Somehow, my world turned upside down in a matter of seconds after he left. Yes, I have grandma Ari, but I'm lonely? I still can't understand the emotion or the feeling. I want someone, maybe a friend, who's my age. But then again, I don't want a friend. I don't want to know someone new, so what do I want? Gosh, why are emotions so hard to deal with? I don't want a friend; I don't want someone new; I don't want anyone, so what do I want??

I want him?


Stepping out bc I am sleep, food, money, and oxygen deprived

feedback here >:D ➡️


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