
46 4 31


uhuhu sudden plot change idea

I hope it'll be more interesting hehe, I'll try to write an "action" scene in this book (oops spoilers 👀)

today's SOTC (song of the chapter) is "In My Mind" by Lyn Lapid bc why not <33



This looks decent, right?

Seungmin took a step back from the white-coloured bookshelf, which was painted with pastel-coloured clouds. He positioned the last book and examined every inch of it, praying that all of them would be proportional and neat.

In defeat, realising that even after three hours of arranging, this will be the most gratifying result he'll ever achieve. He stood and made the decision to move his legs and clear away the mass of clothes that had piled on the bed. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, making Seungmin all puzzled; he didn't expect any visitors and certainly didn't want any with all the mess he had been dealing with organising his new dorm.

The lad walked to the doorway; just as he had predicted, the faded pink-haired youngster was standing there with the largest grin and three full bags in his arms.

"Good evening, Hyung! I hope you don't mind, but I'm here to drop off the groceries, as Channie Hyung mentioned, and there's strawberry-flavoured ice cream, so put it in the freezer before it melts!" The boy passed the grocery bags and went inside with Seungmin, who quickly grabbed the bags and dug his hand inside for the treasure he had been wanting for a long time-his favourite strawberry ice cream.

"Oh gosh, thanks, Innie, and you just saved me time!"

"Yup, of course. I'll get going now."

"Wait, you're already leaving; you just came inside? At least have something to eat before you leave!" Seungmin answered Jeongin as he tried to open the kitchen counter. He discovered some milk-chocolate bars on the inside, and although he knew it was probably the last one and truly loved them, he wouldn't allow the younger one to leave empty-handed, as his grandmother had taught him.

"Actually, I came here to visit Channie Hyung at his work; I'm bringing him his favourite drink~" Jeongin giggled as he replied. He lowered his face, hoping Seungmin wouldn't catch the faint blush on his cheek.

Seungmin, on the other hand, witnessed the boy's behaviour but made the decision not to say anything for the time being and handed up the chocolate bar. The younger one joyfully extended both hands and took it before softly bowing and leaving to his boyfriend.

The door soon closed, leaving Seungmin all alone in his dorm again. As much as he liked the silence and quiet breeze in his dorm, he also wanted some company once in a while. Maybe pets? He always wanted pets. Perhaps a puppy or a fish for a beginner? Or perhaps someone-a friend or a girlfriend? He shook off his thoughts; somehow, he didn't quite like the idea of having a girlfriend. Sometimes, he even used to wonder why he never felt attracted to someone; he wondered if he was ever going to find love.

Seungmin glanced over at the enormous pile of groceries that were spread out on top of the kitchen counter. He sighed under his breath and pushed his way forwards to put all the goods in their place.

I guess more additional work for me...

The temperature turned cooler by the day, and the leaves painted themselves in vivid, warm colours, while others bid farewell and went away with the autumn breeze. Seungmin decided to take a break from all the rearranging and cleaning and went for a stroll in the neighbouring park. After taking in the outdoor air fragrant with the wet, grassy autumn aroma (as Seungmin imagined it), his thoughts eventually quietened down, or so Seungmin probably felt.

Abruptly, he stumbled upon a small shop with glass-covered walls and a pleasantly designed name, Blossoms, while at the top it was covered with ivy lazily flowing down from its roof. It looked pretty elegant. The architecture was a mix of Gothic and Neo-Future architecture (as you can see, he was quite knowledgeable about architecture, probably because his mother was an architect, so he occasionally stole his mother's book and read about the history of architecture.)

Initially, he had no intention of entering the small shop. He convinced himself to return another time. However, as he walked past right the entrance, he spotted a display announcing that they were presently seeking new employees. He had been looking for work for quite some time. He didn't care about the money because his parents were generous with their financial support, but he was curious and wanted to experience new things, and perhaps a flower store as the first place to work sounded pretty nice in his ears.

Seungmin entered as the gentle ringing of bells linked to the entrance was heard, prompting all the staff to greet him politely.

"Good evening, Felix here; how may I help you today?" The freckled boy reached near the counter. He held a massive bouquet of daisies and sunflowers but instantly shoved it into the other employee's hand, who showed him a dramatic scoff in return.

"Hi... um," you can do this Seungmin, he thought to himself, "I-I saw the poster outside the door, so you know, I was kind of wondering, are you guys still hiring people?"

"Oh, yes, of course! Please wait a few moments. I'm calling our manager in a minute." Felix replied to the boy in the front before going into the back. Seungmin, on the other hand, seemed awkward. Is this how people search for jobs? So, where do the CV and cover letter come in?

He took a brief look around the entire flower shop. Its elegance captured his attention. The counter walls were mainly composed of cork for a modern aesthetic, with a glass plate on top. A low table in the centre was used to hold all the long, flowing plants. There was a massive glass door on the left back, which appeared to be utilised for plants that require additional humidity and warmth. And, to be honest, Seungmin was astounded by how thoroughly they maintained and organised the plants. With dry herbs on one side, and decorative flowers on the other, including exotic tropical plants at the very top, so they all won't be disturbed much when the customers arrive.




How is this chapter~?

Guess (who loves you) the person is~
The winner gets a cookie >:D

see ya next week~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆


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