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What's up, my little chihuahuas?

Here's an update hehe also um I don't know what to say much other than this: so there might be a little warning because of mentions of a teeny tiny bit of shooting but no descriptions so if you come at me for spoiling, then fuck you, because if I didn't mention this, people would come at me for being literally traumatised so yes

Anyway now to the good news, I am certain that I might actually finish this but then again no promises <33

Today's SOTC izz "WARNING" by Day6 because we decided to slay and stan kings today




Seungmin's eyes wandered around the entire shop, astonished to hear his name in such an unfamiliar setting. The voice indicated it wasn't a stranger because it sounded slightly familiar. He shifted his gaze to the countertop, where he met the eyes of a young guy dressed in an embroidered floral khaki apron.


"Yes! Seungmin; Oh God, it's been such a long time!" Minho responded as he walked away from the counter. He then proceeded closer to Seungmin and embraced the boy very firmly, making Seungmin stand stiffly, not acknowledging what to do.

"H-Hyung... can't breathe-," he tried to respond as Minho gently released the younger one. "Dude, I genuinely thought they shot you that day," Minho said, patting his back before swiftly looking over at Felix, who shouted in shock, "YOU GUYS KNOW EACH OTHER?"

"Yes, of course! We encountered each other at a party thing like three years ago."

"So you're going to skip the shooting part and have under-the-table atheists pray to God, anticipating they don't get shot?"

"WHAT?" This time it was the other one who screamed; it was the boy who was scoffing at Felix before.

"Seungmin, this is my boyfriend, Jisung."

"Gosh, it feels like everywhere I go, I'm collecting all the gays-"

"Well, congratulations~ But moving on, where's the other guy? Was his name Jungwon or something?"

"Jeongin? Yes, after I got taken away, I found him before exiting that place. We exchanged numbers afterwards, and now we're close friends."

The main gate unexpectedly opened, startling everybody, but everyone maintained their professional behaviour, and as a result, Minho suggested that Seungmin accompany him to his room in the back.

They exchanged laughter and chitchat as they shared what was going on in their lives. Seungmin eventually discovered that Minho founded this flower shop after majoring in botany. Meanwhile, he works with physicians who study/analyse and examine plants.

The hours passed in a blink of an eye, and the sun soon waved farewell, leaving the night sky a morbid shade of blue. The streetlights flickered glisteningly, signalling to Seungmin that it was time to head back home.

He waved his goodbyes to Minho and his idiot friends and made his way out of the place. As he finished closing the door, his attention was drawn to the display, which had initially piqued his interest and compelled him to go inside.

Task failed, successfully?

Chan concentrated on his new projects and assignments in his room. He couldn't focus, considering he was under so much strain and stress. Aside from all of that, Chan's heart shrank every moment he came home from work way too late and saw his lover resting on the couch with drowsy eyes because Jeongin preferred to wait for Chan. Despite understanding how important the job was, he couldn't help but prioritise Jeongin.

Chan dashed down the hallway and instantly found the younger one on the phone with someone. He smiled at the sight and headed into the kitchen, trying not to bother Innie. Perhaps Jeongin would love snacks or drinks, and we could also watch movies afterwards? Chan began preparing once he was satisfied with the idea. Unexpectedly, he overheard Jeongin's conversation while prepping the meal, but although he respected his lover's privacy, he could not resist but be concerned about the words he accidentally overheard.

Why was he unexpectedly talking about shooting? And Murder?? Chan knew about Innie quite well. He doesn't prefer talking about these topics, so he has tried to never mention them, yet suddenly he's chatting about them so boldly?

"I prepared us some snacks, Innie!" Chan said as he placed a gold-leaf-patterned dish with berries and hot chocolate alongside one another. Jeongin was taken aback when he saw the older. He figured Chan seemed to have loads of work on his plate and did not wish to annoy him, so he kept a respectful distance.

"Channie, what are you doing here? Don't you have work?"

"Well, yes, but I wanted to spend time with my baby~."

Chan crept up next to Jeongin and snuggled on his chest to keep him warm, making the brunette flush at the unusual behaviour. But without wasting any moment, he proceeded to pick up a blanket and lay it on top of them to help them feel more relaxed.

"Innie, I'm not sure if it will make you mad, but can I ask you something?"

"Yes, of course. Why would I be mad?" The younger one replied in a concerned tone.

"I overheard you speaking about something when I was preparing the snacks... I believe you understand what I meant, and it's fine if you don't want to discuss it, hmm?"

Jeongin lowered his sight and started messing with the blanket. He was in conflict with himself. It's difficult to explain what Chan meant, but he understood what he was talking about. He was terrified. What if Chan felt awkward as a result of this? Will his boyfriend abandon him?

No, he absolutely loves me and has complete faith in me... But do I expect him to be insecure as a result of me? But I can't hide this from him forever... We promised to communicate whenever we had an issue rather than suppress it and worsen it, right? Fuck it, I can't keep hiding this.

Jeongin turned to face his beloved, waiting patiently for a response. Everything just made his heart flutter. How did he find someone so endearing, generous, and gorgeous all at once? He felt he was the luckiest guy in the world right now.

"I can't keep it a secret any longer. I really feel guilty possibly not saying this sooner, I know, and I am very sorry about it- I genuinely don't understand; I guess it's a bit strange to discuss..."

Chan intertwined their fingers with one hand while pulling him closer towards him and softly pecking his lips. "You don't have to if you feel uneasy, Innie; go ahead once you're comfortable," he said.

"Remember the night when we first kissed?"

Chan was taken aback; that was certainly not something he expected to hear. He grinned shyly, his eyes forming hearts. "Of course," he said.

"That day, I may have not accidentally shot someone."





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