Chapter 2

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Katsuki stood at the mouth of the hanger; arms crossed over his broad chest while impatiently tapping his foot. He had removed his gauntlets but left his bracers on in the rush to get over here.

"Where the hell is this damn plane!?" Katsuki snapped for the third time. Kirishima looked up from Mina, who clung to him, worry filled her and it showed. Mina was never one to hide her emotions.

Mina frowns looking to the flooring of the airplane hangar, recalling the last conversation she had with you.

"We're going to be back before your party." You promised, phone pressed against your ear struggling to hear anything over the loud roar engine of the plane before takeoff.

"I know you will-" Mina weakly smiled; sitting in the middle of Christmas boxes and bows. "-you always are..."

"I'm sure they are close by." Kirishima reinsured his best friend, bringing Mina back to reality.

"Yeah." Mina shakes her head, agreeing with her boyfriend, this was you they were talking about, you always came back from your missions. "They should be here any moment now."

All Might, Aizawa, Mrs. Okino, Midoriya and staff all stood around waiting for the late flight. Katsuki gritted his teeth, where the fuck were you!? You crash in a fucking plane and have the audacity to be late right now!?

After another thirty minutes, Mina pointed in the air.

"Look!" She excitedly hopped, seeing the small dot forming in the skyline.

"About fucking time!" Katsuki bit, muscles in both his back and arms were tense, the same intensity he felt when walking into battle, he was on edge as the plane painfully landed slow and steady. It took even longer for the C-130 Hercules aircraft to fucking open!

Katsuki exhaled; unaware he had been holding in a breath since the agency. His chest heaved as he broke out into a full-on sprint, unable to wait any longer. The back of the plane didn't finish opening when Katsuki hopped onto it, running on the metal lip.

You wore a smile on your face, watching your pro-hero boyfriend running up to you. You licked your lips, reaching your arms out as he scooped you up in his embrace.

"Fucking Princess-" Katsuki growled grabbing the nape of your neck, gripping it harshly bringing your mouth to his, you were quickly swallowed by Katsuki's tongue going over every inch of your mouth.

"Mmph-" You moaned into his mouth, forgetting the dozen pairs of eyes on your back.

"I was fucking worried-" He breathed, coming up for air, gazing down at you with those glowing carmine eyes of his. Katsuki didn't hear—or didn't care—about the rest of his group making their way over. Katsuki's eyes flickered above your head, instantly sharpening into a glare spotting the four men checking out what was his.

"(y/n)!" Mina waved, jumping up and down, the four men quickly gathered their belongings. Katsuki wrapped a possessive arm around your shoulders leading you off the plane.

"Hey." You breathed, Mina hopped over, pushing Katsuki's arm away as she hugged you tightly. "Are you ok-!?" She broke away. "-are you hurt, or-or-!?"

"I'm fine." You chuckled at her frazzled face.

"Don't lie-!" GunHead yelled over, earning a tight scowl from you, he pointed in your direction. "-the doctor said you have a concussion and need to be off work for at least a couple days!"

"Thank you GunHead." You mumbled. "How could I have forgotten that?"

"What would you do without me?" GunHead waved.

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