Chapter 6

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"That sounds like..." Midoriya tried to put a finger on it, he knew it, why wasn't it coming to him!?

'Beep, Beep, Beep'

You felt your stomach dropping into the pit of your gut as a natural fight or flight response. You knew that sound, it was sewed into the fabric of your DNA.

"That's a bomb." You breathed.

"What?" Midoriya needed you to repeat the statement, he couldn't have heard you right.

"That's a bomb-" You snapped, stepping into Five mode, sharp eyes Midoriya has only spotted on the battlefield engulfed him. "-get everyone out of-!"

You couldn't finish your order; you didn't even get three steps before a flash of light filled your eyes. Midoriya felt a force place its callous hands on his back, throwing him forward. You locked your jaw, feeling grits of stinging along your skin.

You opened your eyes; the sky invaded your vision. You blinked twice; the world was in total silence. Slowly, you rolled onto your side feeling bits of debris fall from your costume. You furrowed your brows, seeing the nearby car's lights were flashing but offered no sound.

'You were deafened by the blast.' You squeezed your eyes shut, fighting back the tears hearing his voice echo around your skull. 'Get up Five!'

You stagger to your feet, body felt shaky, you swallowed feeling your ears had been stuffed with cotton. You rapidly blinked, forcing your brain to focus.

Midoriya lay on the ground, slowly pulling himself up, looking confused as he searched the area for something.

Your eyes burned, sleep dug at your skull and for a moment you played with the delightful thoughts of giving into urge. Slowly muffled sounds of the car alarms, screaming and crying reached you.


You snapped around, eyes wide while searching the area.

A dark green bag lying against the corner of a building catches your gaze, you feel your body prepared to march over towards it.

'Beep...Beep, Beep, Beep'

You turned your head, spotting another green bag lying yards away tucked under an abandoned booth.

'What the fuck?'

Was the only thought to enter your brain as the bags containing the homemade explosives went off simultaneously. Your hands flew outward, creating a large wall of ice, wrapping it around the people lying on the sidewalk shielding them from the hungry flames.

You bit down on your jaw; the embers melted the thick slab of ice you placed around the cul-da-sac like butter, it was almost a mockery.

"(y/n)-!" Midoriya's apprehensive voice felt like an annoying claw scratching your back.

"Get everyone out of here!" You yelled, unable to turn away from the wall, having to constantly replace the ice to keep the explosion contained. Midoriya hated it when he turned his back, scooping up a child and mother but he knew you could handle the wall, he needed to get these dozen people-Midoriya brightly smiled.

"Deku-!" Kirishima, Shoto and Kaminari came sprinting into the enclosed block.

Your hearing was muffled, you narrowed your eyes glaring through the blurry ice at the blurred figure moving behind the wall.

"We have to-!" Midoriya was cut off by another explosion echoing from behind him, the greenette spun around, wondering if Kacchan had arrived on the scene but he was met with burning yellow and red flames licking up the ice wall.

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