Chapter 7

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You were twenty questioned by the police, you purposively left out how the villain wore your brother's mask and bore your old uniform, that would be an uncomfortable conversation to have, plus, you just wanted to be released to go home. You were exhausted, whatever lightening trick was pulled, it left you feeling drained.

After being drilled and not in the fun way, an investigation was launched but luckily, they didn't need you anymore, so you were relieved to go home before having to patrol tonight.

You have said it once and you'll say it until the day you die, nothing felt as good as a hot shower on tired bones. Your hair damp and left unbraided, you walked into your kitchen inside your empty apartment, you wore one of Katsuki shirts, flipping the stove top on, filling the kettle, a steaming cup of tea would hit the spot right about now after the hard nap you just had.

It bothered you how Katsuki wasn't here, how he didn't demand to be sent home for the rest of the day to be with you...You cleared your throat, placed the kettle on the burner, you mindlessly thumbed your necklace.

"I had to keep her away from you-" You shook Tank's voice out of your head, deciding on thinking about a snack when the door opens. Your heart skipped a beat, had Katsuki fought to come home?

You stepped out of the kitchen, into the open living room you turned only for your heart to drop in disappointment, Mina stood in the doorway removing her snow-covered shoes.

"Ok?" You had no idea she would be here, then again; your phone was on the bed still silent from patrol so...

"I know-!" Mina raised her hands defensively, "-this is the time your normally asleep, but I just had to come over!"

"Ok." You shrug, returning into the kitchen, Mina quickly followed.

You moved to the cupboards taking out an extra mug for the pinkette you glanced over your shoulder, seeing her sulking face and slump shoulders.

"You ok?" You threw out the question as she took a seat at the round table looking out through the glass wall, where the doors leading to the balcony was located.

"No!" She threw her hands up in the air, slumping in her seat seeming to be so defeated.

"Uh..." You looked around the empty apartment. " about it-?"

"That's what I should be saying!" Mina jumped, straightening herself in her chair. You opened your mouth but snapped it shut, knowing Mina would get to the point, eventually. "That entitled asshole-!"

"Uh huh." You nod, searching through the tea collection.

"Are you even listening to me!?"

"Yep." You hummed, pulling two tea bags from the container.

"How could he not come home-!?" Mina ranted; "-this is like the one time he should want to come home-!"

"Mina-" You cut her off.

"Huh?" She innocently looked up.

"-I won't lie to you; I have no fucking clue what you're talking about."

"You-You don't know-!?"

"Clearly." You hummed, filling the two mugs.

"Look-!" Mina held her phone, screen facing you. You squinted your eyes, a picture of Katsuki sitting beside Kirishima fills her screen, you assume she has been talking about Katsuki, the entitled part gave it away.

"You came all the way over here to tell me Katsuki is out with friends?" It stung to know he didn't come home after his half shift, instead he went out with friends. You placed the kettle down, staring at the murky liquid. You still hadn't spoken to him about skipping out on date night, when would you have had the time too?

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