Chapter 8

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A still night, a lucid moon filled by the type of coldness that reaches into your bones. You watched as your breath slipped past your lips; eyes glanced at the woolen dove grey sky.

You packed a bag today and left your own home, you swallowed the lump in your throat as a clear picture of the last glance you gave your apartment flooded your mind, along with cavity coated memories of you and Katsuki living together.

You felt numb, as if you were a stranger walking in your shoes. You couldn't process the betray stabbing you in the back, or how your lungs felt vacuumed sealed, and you couldn't breathe.

"Hey Five-!"

You turned Elecplant was jogging up behind you.

"What are you doing here?" You questioned, turning to face forward. "Shouldn't you be doing your laps right now?"

"I already did one loop-" Elecplant waved, "-I'll get to the other required five later."

"Mhmm." You hummed.

"So... what I really wanted to talk to you about..."

"Spit it out or drop it."

"We all-" Elecplant referred to the other night heroes and himself. "-wanted to talk about what's circling in the media right now-"

"Don't ask me."


"Ask me and I'll shoot you."

Elecplant pulled his lips into a thin line, contemplating the threat, you glanced at the fellow hero.

"I promise I'll make it so the bullets not worth it."

"Fine-!" Elecplant huffed, "-I'll go back to my patrol."

"Thank you-" You rolled your eyes. "-for going to do what your being paid to do."

Your district was divided into five sections, one for each night hero and it was expected each hero to complete six laps or loops of the section, to insure it was properly patrolled. You were on loop four when the app pinged, you lazily checked it.

A notification for a robbery was in progress, it was in the middle of all districts, the ping was for any hero who could get there the quickest, however the other four were too far. With a puff of air from your chest the rim of your eyes glowed their ghostly yellow as you stepped into the nearby shadow.

"What are you doing here!?"

It was the first thing you heard as you pulled yourself from the shadow, furrowing your brows as the other four heroes stood in front of the store. Turning your head, you noted the store was vacant, up for sale. The large front windows had been shattered.

"I got the notification-!" X-Less snapped, "-I accepted it, why are you here!?"

"I got the notification-!" Mr. Plastic stepped closer, "-I am the one who accepted the ping, I told all of you I was on my way!"

"You did not!"

"I did too!"

"Knock it off!" You called over the two schoolgirls bickering, the four turned as you walked up to the group.


"Why the heck are all of us here!?" Sameko sighed.

"I don't know." You muttered, stepping through the broken doors, glass crunched under your boot. "X-Less-" You glanced over your shoulder. "-you're with me."

"What!?" The lean man dressed in his purple jumpsuit hopped. "Why do I have-"

"Today!" You snapped, sharpening your glare. You knew X-less, and Mr. Plastic didn't see eye to eye on many things, leaving him out there would just escalate the arguing.

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