Chapter 5

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You leaned on your arm, tapping the screen of your phone for the hundredth time, glancing at the clock. Your second glass of wine and half eaten bread sat in front of you.


You wondered where your pro-hero boyfriend was.

The Collocate app didn't report a villain attack taking place in your district, you sucked in another deep breath trying to ignore the stares and whispers around you. Did people really have nothing better going on in their own lives they had to make you their source of entertainment for the night? You wondered if anyone was taking bets out on you, was he going to show, or would you be stood up?

You wondered if you could get in on the bet.


"Are you still doing alright?" Your server came over to check on you.

"Um-" You looked to the empty chair, whispers still circling around you. "-yeah, do you mind if I order?"

"Of course." She nods, while she took out her notepad you looked at the empty seat, your chest felt heavy, quickly faking a smile putting on a show for everyone around you.


"(y/n)-!?" Midoriya stood behind you, mouth agape watching you walk in his direction after thanking the worker in the booth, the chilled wind stung his face. "-I-I am surprised to see you here!"

"I'm surprised to see me here too." You mumbled, still salty from this morning.

You had finished your patrol shift, ready to head home and crash but the Collocate app denied your attempt to clock out, a moment later you received a call, the director of the HC requested your presence here at the Sapporo Snow Festival, the director wanted extra manpower due to a bunch of the council members from both the HPSC and the HC judging the ice sculptor contest taking place in the early afternoon.

The five heroes stuck on night duty objected to this, claiming there were enough heroes already assigned to guard Sapporo which had been broken into zones, each zone had over five heroes patrolling.

The director didn't want to hear any argument, she ordered you and the other four to head over so here you stood after getting your badge from the sign-in booth; every worker needed an ID to freely walk around today.

With stinging eyes burning from the lack of sleep and a head filled with static you joined Midoriya and Kaminari's side.

"Why are you here?" Midoriya questioned, his large green eyes flickered past your shoulder, X-Less walked up.

"We were just told we had to be here." He replied, sizing Midoriya and Kaminari, wondering if these two young heroes were the bunch who refused to rotate patrol shifts, forcing him and you to remain strictly on nights.

"Hm?" Kaminari frowned, "That's odd, since there's plenty of heroes here today."

"I know-" X-Less shrugged, "-that's what we said, I guess they just wanted the best here today-"

"What does that mean-!?" Kaminari sparked.

"Shouldn't you be heading to your zone?" You cut in, knowing X-Less had a distaste for the day heroes.

"Yeah-Yeah." The eye-gun hero waved you off, flinging his red cage letting the breeze catch it as he stomped away.

"Is he ok-?" Midoriya wondered.

"He's just tired." You replied, nodding over to the scene behind you. "What's going on over there?"

"Oh nothing-!" Kaminari proudly puffed his chest. "-a store owner pointed him out for suspicious activity, when Midoriya and I went to question him, he bolted, we caught him in four minutes!" Kaminari brushed his shoulder, "It was nothing-"

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