Chapter 3

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Your bedroom was dark and warm, the sound of the rotating fan filled the empty space as your legs were pushed part, Katsuki taking his place in-between them, nibbling down to your panty line sliding them off without hesitation, discarding them on the floor while getting to work.

You moaned feeling his tongue hovering over your clint, teasing, knowing you were a blushing mess above him. Katsuki's rough hands slide around your thighs, keeping you on display for him and only him.

Your body heated feeling him devour you, his tongue slides through your folds as his fingers slipped inside. Katsuki flickered his eyes to you, relishing the sight, hair splayed out, slightly disheveled as your heated moans filled the room. Katsuki adds another finger, your walls stretching and fluttering around them, slicking them with juices.

Katsuki moves to your mouth, his tongue invades quickly tasting every inch, leaving no surface explored. You break the sloppy wet kiss as your hands trail over his smooth tones skin, loving the feel of every defined curve, your fingers loop around the waistband of his sweatpants, the desire to feel him too intense.

Katsuki's eyes slammed open, he jolted away from your touch.

"Katsuki?" You opened your eyes, brows pulled together watching him get off the bed.

"I-I have to go."

"Go?" You dumfoundly repeated, watching him walk out of room. You blink, looking around the bedroom before grabbing his shirt and following him. "Where are you going?" You ask, watching him close the bathroom door. You went to follow but the door was locked; it was never locked; you gave a quick knock. "Katsuki?" You hummed, your core aching for his touch.

After what felt like hours, he walked out dressed in street clothes, confusing you further.

"Where are you going?" You repeated only to be met with the same:

"I have to go."

"Where!?" You followed him around the apartment, he grabbed his wallet, phone, keys then shoved shoes onto his feet. "Hey-!" You grabbed his arm before he could walk out the front door, you searched his face for answers. "-what the hell-?"

"I'll be back." Katsuki says, kissing the top of your head then taking the split second of you swirling in confusion to take his leave, closing the door behind him as he did so. You glanced around the empty apartment, confused and unsatisfied.

"What the hell just happened?"


"Are you ok?" Mina roughly sets the coffee mug on the counter, you look up from sitting at her table, lacing ribbon through ornaments.

"Uh-" Your eyes flicker around her empty apartment, the light scent of apple pie lingered in the air. "-yeah-?" You chuckle, "-why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you have barely said three words since you got here." Mina replied, joining you at the table, two steaming mugs in hand.

"I-" You exhaled, leaning against the chair, the fog of questions almost tipped you over. "-yeah, I'm good." You shook your head, not wanting to dull her holiday spirit.

"You're lying." Mina pointed out, getting better at reading you. "What aren't you telling me?"

"It's nothing-"

"Oh my God-!" Mina flew to her feet. "-you're really not ok, of course you wouldn't be! Why on earth would I have you come out and do labor literally a day after you were in a plane crash-!?"

"Mina I am fine." You laugh, "Really, I'm not hurt-" Mina snapped her head around, her eyes sharpened.

"You really need to stop minimizing what happened (y/n)." Mina placed her hands on the back of the open chair. "You were in a plane crash, it's ok to be hurt and need a few days off-"

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