The Breakup

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May 27th 2021
"For fuck sake John, you never listen do you." Lex's voice bellows through the Manchester Penthouse the two share, another argument between the two has started over something so miniscule. A tiny thing, or many small things built up over time. Arguments were becoming very common between John Stones and Alexis Moore, and usually they found a way around and got to a solution. It was hard to argue with the person you loved most.

"I am listening, Lex, you don't want me to go on a lad's holiday, can we just stop now, I think it's pretty obvious I'm not going now, because it'll just cause problems." John says slupped over on the sofa while she stands athoritised in front of him. John never thought their relationship would turn out this way, arguing about him going away with mates but here he was. He loved Lex of course he did but this wasn't the Lex he knew.
"We haven't seen each other for more than an evening in months and all I asked is for you to stay home to allow us time together, is that so wrong, John. I'm your girlfriend! I have been since year 11." She echoes once again.
"John, I know it has been a busy year, and I'm so proud of you I really am, but what about us? We barely have conversations without arguing now adays." She heavily sighed, this is not how she wished the evening had went.
"Lex, we're talking right now, you're just chosing to make this all about you and how I never see you, i work my ass off every week, every day so we can have this nice house and have money, nice things, top of the range cars."
"John, if you loved me and cared for me, the last thing you would want to do is go on a lads holiday and leave me here alone, ONCE AGAIN! I have never cared about the money you know that! I am not with you for the millions, John!" She shouted the last part fed up of John's antics. Her face coweled in anger as she sees him sat there not fumbling with any emotion, as if he didn't care. John cared and she knew that, it was just another silly argument.

"You're acting more like my mum than my girlfriend, you never use to mind so why is it such a big issue now, it's just a holiday for a week." John says finally looking up to her, his eyes frustrated.
"You haven't even asked me if it was okay with me, we're meant to be together we have been together FOR YEARS, and you don't think mentioning a holiday a few days before your meant to be going is clever. What has Manchester done to the sweet boy i loved, this is fucking horrible John. I'm alone all day and i wait for you to come home and here we are arguing ONCE AGAIN, and you don't seem to care at all."
"Well I obviously do care Lex." His replies are always short in arguments because he usually recognises he's wrong.

"Do whatever you want John, It's out of my control what you do isn't it? Considering im not your mum, this is so fucking stupid, pathetic even." Lex walks into the conjoining kitchen. She opens the fridge, browses for a moment and pulls out a bottle of water, opens it and places the top to her lip taking a quick swig.

"That's not fair Lex." He says once she is back in front of him, he wanted this to stop, as much as he thought this argument was stupid, he didn't like arguing with her, and he knows he's wrong.
"You know what's not fair, John. You're never here, ever! I am sat around day after day waiting for you to come home and once you're home, you're either moaning and groaning that the house isn't kept to your standard or that you arent 'allowed' to go out with your mates because you 'have to' spend time with me." Lex says, face turning crimson from the anger that continues to increase throughout her veins.
"I like a tidy house." He said simply, this raged Lex, who did John think he was? Yes, she does tidy but sticking to John's obsessively clean rules had gotten silly, considering he is barely here, why does he even care?

"I am not your cleaner!"

"Let's just take a breather, yeah?" He said simply.
The argument was so strong and lingered in the air even when the silence took over. Lex had had enough and decided she couldn't bare to look at him anymore. She knew it always ended the same no matter how many promises John had made.

A few hours had passed, Lex was sprawled out in the guest room while John was in his games room oblivious to the emotions pouring out of the young girl just a few doors down the corridor. Of course he cared, he just was being a typical bloke. John was playing some sort of video game with his friends back in Barnsley.
"Oi John, hows Alexis? You guys still together? You know I had a bet with Logan that you guys would be married by now."
"Haha I mean we're young."
Alan said through the mic he was wearing on his head, dancing on his perfectly sculpted curls.
"Yeah uh- yeah we're all good." He stuttered, replying to the other question, the argument coming back to mind.

Little did he know Lex was now in their shared room packing her stuff, taking all the necessary things, she had to save herself the heartache. This had gone on far too long... She loved John, of course she did, but she couldn't do it anymore. Being the girlfriend of a footballer was far from the fairytale everyone said it was, the endless nights where she wound up in bed alone, as well as the arguments they would have that took weeks to resolve due to his tight schedule. She had, had enough, it wasn't right anymore as much as she wanted it to be, it just wasn't and it broke her heart.

John was about to call it a night as he made his way down into the kitchen, once again completely oblivious to Lex stood by her bags near their front door, until their eyes met.
"Lex?" He questioned, confused. His eyes had a twinge of worry as he noticed her wearing a coat with shoes, along with several bags.
"I can't do this anymore John." She said seriously. His eyes were shocked, jaw gaped to the ground beneath.
"What are you on about. I'm not going on the holiday." He said as if that was the only root of their problems, worry fulfilling the essence of John.
"I'm not leaving you because of a lads holiday John, don't be stupid." She said "It's so much more then that, and you know it." She said as their eyes met for what they thought would be the last time.
"Lex, love ; no. Don't leave, we can talk. I promise we can do more, it's dark and cold lets just talk, wack a movie on. Its late. Please" he begged.
"Don't make promises, that we all know are gonna get lost in a week." She spat, ignoring most of his words.
"Lex-please, you know like- we're meant to be i love- I love you Lex, please." he stuttered, he was never good at confrontation. His eyes felt heavy, as if he had been punched, the thought of life without Lex filled him with guild, he hadn't been a good boyfriend recently, expecially. He went to step towards her and hug her and get her to stay, even if they argued again tomorrow he didn't want her to leave. He knew he had fucked up.
"Don't go. I promise things will be different. I promise you."
He never knew the severity until the end was stood right it front of them and he had a blind eye to it the whole time.
"John, we can't fix something because if it was meant to be it would've been the first time." That was the last thing she said along with;
"Im sorry but its for the best, you're gonna be fine, you'll be thriving in football, not having a second thought, darling. I promise you will be okay." Before she walked out of the door for the last time, or so she thought.
The tears exited his eyes, before he even knew what had happened. He knew she wasn't joking and that she was really gone.

Only you- John Stones Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora