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Paris was beautiful. So so so so beautiful. Yeah the flight may have been absolutely terrible, but I wasnt going to let it ruin the fact that i was in the prettiest city. I was so excited for the photoshoot tomorrow. It was late sure, but i was no where near tired. I stayed up till late watching whatever tv i could find in france. I wasnt tired still, it had been around 3 hours and i was wide awake.

I felt a vibration im my jean pocket it was John.
"Hey!" I said chirply. I smiled knowing he rang me.
"Hey, you all settled in now? I didnt want to ring until you were situated." I smiled, i knew he could sense my smile.
"Yeah ive been watching tv. Not really tired. Just excited for tomorrow." I knew i sounded keen. I didnt care.
"Well thats nice. I know a few of us are flying out for the day. We have a free week before international break so i think most of us are going." He said. I was glad to not be by myself, as much as i knew i was safe, having people i knew around definitely helped with that.
"Are you coming?" I asked shyly.
"I might be, yeah." He chuckled. It was like teenage romance all over again.
"Good." I said simply. I was glad he was coming. After all this time, i only ever felt truly safe with John. I missed him, and having him back in my life was good. There was some bad, but at the moment it was good, and that was all that mattered.

I spoke to John for ages. Just about life, whats changed, whats the same. It was nice. I had missed this.

"You know what i was thinking about the other day?"
"Our first kiss." I simply said. I had thought about it a lot since we had kissed for the first time again. It was such a surreal thing. All those years ago, i was half drunk, didnt mean i regretted it. Im glad i ever had the balls to do it. John never wouldve otherwise.
"Im glad you had more balls than me" he chuckled.
"I know, it wouldve never happened otherwise." We shared a laugh.
"Well i better get going to bed John." I simply said, it was late.
"I guess you better. Ill see you tomorrow?" He questioned.
"Ill see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight Lex" he said sweetly.

With that the phone had ended. It was sad it came to an end, but i was happy John was going to be there tomorrow. I was now tired. It was like 1am i had to be up early.

I quickly fell asleep.

The next day came round sooner than I was hoping. It had felt as if I had just closed my eyes when my 8:30am alarm was going off. I rolled out of bed, knowing if I snoozed my alarm, i would be missing out on the shoot. I walked into the gorgeous bathroom of the hotel room. Starting on my skin care, not applying any makeup, as I knew it was to be done professionally today. I brushed my teeth and pulled out a casual outfit. Just a pair of black ripped jeans and a white nike top, which was going to be changed once arriving at the studio. I didn't really feel hungry, i was exciting and it was strange, I knew being infront of cameras all day seemed rather stressful, but I was excited.

After around another 25 minutes of fafing about; i finally decided it was probably best to start getting ready to leave, to go to the studio. It was walking distance, so I took in the gorgeous views of paris. This was like my dream place in the whole wide world, for some reason, the air just smelt cleaner. I was scrolling lightly on my phone, not really paying attention and almost missing the turning for the destination of the studio, Silly me i suppose. I got there in the end though.

I walked in to the studio, went to the reception and stated my name, then a lovely lady guided me to the massive room, where i were to be getting my makeup done.

"Hey love, Lex?" She questioned.
"Yep thats me!" I smiled, she gestured to the chair in front of her, which i sat in after taking my bulky coat off.

"So i am just going to go for a simple, glowy look? Is there anything you'd like me to try involve. I want this to be a look you like!" She simply said, smiling at me through the mirror.

Only you- John Stones Where stories live. Discover now