The talk

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"John" kyle stormed up to him. Hes sat on a chair, beer in hand.
"Mate. What are you doing?" Kyle asked John again.
"Im sorry, Ive really fucked everything up." He stuttered. His eyes met Kyles, they were sad, sadder than he had ever seen. After no loss had he seen Johns eyes so sad. John loved Lex, too much some people would say.
"If you love her, and want her back, thats the worst way to do it."
"I tried to ask her if we could just restart earlier, literally like 15 minutes before this all happened. But seeing her dance with Dean made me notice that i cant just let her be with someone else. I feel like she truly is my other half."
"But what if she choses to John?" He asked.
"Well i just have such high hopes that she still wants me too, you know? I just see her in every room, and i cant even have sex with someone else. You know the other month right i had to ask the poor girl to leave before we had even got our clothes off. Im truly broken, i just cant." John sobbed.
"I know you do mate. And i hate to say it, but she left you. And if you really cant move on from her then you need to seek help. Its not healthy"
"I just love her. And i shouldnt of let her go." He simply said.
"Well fix your act up. Put the beer down! And talk to her. Shes waiting in the office."

I was waiting only around 10 minutes before a slight knock is heard on the door.
"Yeah come in." I simply said. He walked in, a better attitude maybe this time.
"Hey." He said.
"Hi." I replied.
"Come sit. Lets talk." He said. We sat on the sofa, it was very soft, i sunk into it slightly.
"Lex im going to say a lot of things. But just listen okay."
"Okay; im listening John."
"You are the one for me. You can fight it. But i believe you are the one for me. I know you may think we are on different paths with other people but i believe its you, your it for me. I do want you to know though that if you move on and he is the best thing that's ever happened to you. Ill be happy for you. I want you to be happy, and i wouldnt force us upon you. I want you happy and healthy ." He simply said.
"You know what John. Thank you. It means a lot."
"Its okay. I just want you to know that i wish i had tried harder. To keep you." He said, this is what i always wondered.
"You're parents told me you wanted nothing to do with me. And i listened. I just thought it was easier."
"Wait what?" I questioned.
"Yeah you had obviously told them what happened. And i had rang asking if i could come and talk to you. They said you moved in with Kloe and wasn't interested nor wanting to talk."
"Thats a lie, John."
"They told me if i wasnt to settle with you i should find another family to help me. Its all about money with them, it always has been ."
"Im so sorry. I just presumed they would know what you want, theyre your parents ."
"I did wish you called, even once. I feel it wouldve made a big difference."
"Yeah, i wish i did too."
"Im sorry i shouldnt of been all over Dean like that. I shouldve been sensitive to your feelings."
"No lex. It was me being jealous. And its not fair. If you like Dean, thats cool, i hope it goes well." He said, not an ounce of lies spat through his teeth.
"Well how about we try be friends?" I asked.
"You know, thats more than i thought i would get." He chuckled.
"How about a highfive?" I chuckled.
"No its okay. A hug though?" He questioned.
"Sure." We hugged. It wasnt short, it wasnt long but i did notice this ink behind his ear.
"New tatoo?" I asked. I was curious. I knew he had our anniversary removed surely. But this one was new, ish. A few months maybe.
"Um. Please dont be all weird."
"What is it?" I questioned again.
"Its Everly. And her um last name..." he stuttered.
"Aw John. That's beautiful." I almost shed a tear.
"Let me see again." I asked.
Behind his ear near enough on his neck was a gorgeous tatoo everly stones. It was beautiful.
"It was something i got. To remember you almost." A tear fell down my cheek.
"John. That's so lovely. Im glad you remembered her. I know it may seem stupid but it's been a few years I thought you'd maybe forget."
"Never would i forget our daughter. She was a part of me and a part of you. Ours. You know."
"I get you. It's beautiful and im glad we have this to share with each other." I said. Having cleared the air with John it felt good, a breath of fresh air.
"How about we head back to the party?" I asked.
"Can i have like a two minute hug? Ive missed you." He simply said. And i had no reason to say no. He was respectful, he understood that we may not end up together the way he wanted. But he will always know that the love we shared was real. The hug aired all the feelings we had left up in the air. And i think we both felt more of a friendship vibe now. And i was so glad. The last thing i wanted was to be awkward with him anymore.
"Okay now lets head back."

The rest of the party was crazy drinks were definitely drunk. And the party was fun. I was finally reunited with Kloe she had a great time meeting all these fancy footballers. But i spent my time feeling happy surrounded by people i worked with everyday. It was weird. I felt so at ease.
John was basically by my side the whole time though. And it felt like the good ol days. Except his hand wouldnt be wrapped around my waist. But that was okay. It was good like this.
"Do you want another drink?" He whispered.
"Um no thanks. Ill have to call it a night on these drinks. Work in the morning." He giggled.
"We dont have work tomorrow." He laughed again, this time i joined it.
"Oh wait we work together." I chuckled, i was drunk. No doubt.
"No of course you arent. But how about you accept my request on instagram later." He chucked.
"We'll see."

The rest of the night was filled with a lot of dancing and a lot of songs. At one point hozier was playing.
I noticed Johns eyes on me. We loved hozier. We usually listened to it when it was raining and we were driving somewhere.
People were settling down. Some people even slow dancing. Almost as if it were a wedding.

There's nothing sweeter than my baby...

When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold dark earth...
No grave can hold my body down,
I'll crawl home to her...

I smiled at him, he smiled back. In this moment i knew we would be okay. As friends as lovers, i didnt know yet. But we were okay.

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