Joining senior school

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  it's first day of school,am wearing my usual even though am joining senior school, everyone is always dissing me about my outfit saying am a weirdo excited my best friend Mitch.

"your gonna be late for school hunny"my mom calls out."coming!" I took my bag and went to the kitchen and took an apple and a cup of coffee 'am so addicted to coffee' I kissed my mom goodbye and rushed out.

"be safe" she shouted.She was very protective since my dad passed.I waved and took my bicycle to was thirty minutes ride to school.when I was outside the gate I could feel everyone watching me and mumbling things under their ,I was now used to it and I just gave them a cold shoulder.

I walked in the hall to where my locker was to take my books for the the next lesson "Hey bestie" it was Mitch."Hey"I hugged her."your still in your dummy outfits,I thought you'd change since your joining senior school" I just looked at her and shook my head.'Am used to this' I said to myself. "why is everyone always bugging me coz of my clothes I'm actually surprised that you have to compliment me just like the rest" I was now walking to the classroom. "No bestie... it's just that your trousers look like those in the 80's plus your tops are....." ("shh stop I cut her")we walked in silence to class and everyone was staring at me 'i hate school' I mumbled under my breath as sat on my position.

I had something know my head and slight laughters behind me. 'Oh great am still being bullied in my senior year' I muttered to myself as I wore my hoddie to cover my head. "Hey bitch...I thought your improving on senior year "it was Samantha my worst bully.I looked down as I pressed my fist under my sit trying to avoid her glare. "Samantha get the hell out of here are you not tired of bulling her" at least My best friend had my back,she always sat next to me. "What was that,you dare talk back at...." Mitch never gave any moment to speak. "Yeah I did so get the fuck off or else I'll ...." I interrupted coz I knew she was ready to pick a fight at anytime,,alot of girls feared her and also some boys including Sam's boyfriend Luke.

"take it easy, she's not worth it"I tried to calm her. Sam and her group of girls went back to their position and immediately the teacher came to class.The lesson went on smoothly since art  was my favorite subject.The bell rang and it was time for break.i went to the bathroom to freshen up my hot face that was filled with anger and disgust for Sam and her friends. "Well well well, guess who is the famous dumshell" I looked in the mirror and it was Lex,she hated me since kindergarten if I can still remember after I poured my coffee on her pretty Cinderella dress that she loved most. "I don't want trouble, leave me alone"I said as I walked out.I felt someone grab me by my hair and knocked my head on the sink. My head felt light and I passed out immediately.

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