the introduction

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I reached Allison's house and went to the kitchen to greet Becky she was glad to see me.she told me that Allison was still in her room but she'll be coming to take breakfast in a few."mmmh good morning everyone" I heard Allison's voice in the hall.All workers were assembling in the living room we hurried there and she seemed surprised to see me up so early and she gave me a smile.

"My husband and son will be arriving in thirty minutes,I hope your all prepared to welcome them and no one should be nervous they are gentleman and full of dignity,, anyway if anyone had an issue they might come to talk it through with me that's all have a nice day "

everyone dispersed and when I was about to I heard her call out to me "Angie please remain behind"I was nervous and she could definitely see it she assured me everything would be okay and also told me she was impressed by my work since a couple of workers commented that Cami was so happy yesterday than All other days I felt glad and relieved, "go get ready I would want to introduce you to my family when they arrive" I went to my room and changed and applied a little gloss on my lips since they got dry since I was nervous.

after a few minutes I saw some cars enter the compound everyone alined themselves outside in two lines facing each other living room in the path.they all bowed to show respect and I did the same.Allison went on to welcome her husband and son in a hug and my curious eyes had to peep,, his husband was well known country wide and the son too but he was young he looked 19 or 20 he was cute and musculine " shit was I checking him out" I mumbled.they entered the house and everyone retired back to their place of work.

I heard Becky calling me and told me Miss Allison was calling me and that she was in the living room,,I felt my knees trembling and I was becoming nervous,,I breathed deeply and went to the living room and found all of them sitted,, Allison started by saying my name and introducing me I bowed and bent my knees a little to show respect,I heard Mr.Antonio clear his throat "my dear are you hurt why do you have a bandage on your forehead" I trembled as I tried to explain myself but I composed myself and explained I had hit my head by accident and it was minor.he nodded in agreement and I could feel that he was so calm and a gentleman Man just as Allison has said but compared to the son he never even looked up to take a glance of me .I was so relieved since I would be shy facing his cute face.

I excused myself and went to Cami's room, I found cami and she howled on seeing me,she jumped on my chest and I gave her a long hug caressing her back.i gave her a bubble bath and did her fur.i went to the kitchen and brought her breakfast since Becky was so busy.after she was done I took back the dishes and Becky told me that Allison and the husband had gone to their company to see how business was fairing on and also to work but Jake had been left behind and was in his room.."mmh so his name is Jake I remember everyone talking about him in school when he won the world's famous model" I shrugged of my thoughts and went to play with Cami.

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