First day with cami

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"bzzzzzzz bzzzzzzz" my phone kept vibrating.It was Mitch calling "hello bestie,I wanted to know if I have your blessings in punching some bitches in school on your behalf" I laughed at Mitch's words.She was so short tempered especially if you messed with me,I comforted her and she fell for it."ok bye I'll see you after school" she hung up. I took a shower and dressed my wound with a new bandage and went to the living room to take a cup of coffee.I noticed a note on the counter and went ahead to pick it up.(Good morning baby girl,I went to work since I never wanted to bother you coz of your head, I'll check up on you later kiddo if you need anything just give me a call ×°×°mum)

I took a cup of coffee and decided to watch a movie since it was 7:00 till 9:00 so that I would go and babysit Cami.Time passed so quick and it was now half past 9 "shit am late" I cried.i took my bike and rode to Alison house,the guard had already been told of my work as a nunny to Cami and he let me pass to the house.Miss Alison had already gone to work I assumed since she wasn't in the house.The house was so silent. I made my way to Cami's room..gosh it's even bigger and cuter than my own room,Cami is living a life everyone else would admire being led by my own self.

I saw her and she was so cute,a chiwawa with pink die on her toes and tail.I gave her a bubble bath,did her fur and now it's time for her to have a snack,, before I would open the door for us to leave the room,a blonde  lady in uniform walked inside the room holding a pack of milk and snacks.i assumed they were for Cami." hello you must be Angie the new Nunny to Cami" ..she hugged me while placing the snacks on a small table to the farthest end of the room,I said hello to,she seemed so kind.Cami was so excited to have the snack since she kept howling and juggling her tail and immediately the lady,,she was of my mom's age I suppose..she introduced herself as Becky,,"oh Miss Allison asked me to show you to your room and give you your uniform,,you can be sleeping over sometime if you like" I nodded and she took me to a large room with a king sized bed I was so surprised,I the closet were some new tshirts and sweat pants, towels,comfy shorts,socks and working uniforms. I was shocked "is this all for me" I asked Becky. "Yes it seems you have a nice spot on Miss Allison though she's ever nice and understanding to all of us, now I'll leave you to change,if you need be I'll be in the kitchen" she left and I immediately changed to my uniform it was so cute on me white and black.

afterwards I left and went to check on Cami,,I took the dirty dishes and took them to Becky and went out to play with Cami,,I had alot of fun since she was playful and she grew so found of me in a short period of time,, time flew so quick and I was really enjoying my work,,Cami and I had lunch watched movies played fetch again and now she was taking a nap.

it was getting late,I went and called mom and reassured her I'll be home in a few hours and that I was at Allison's place...I knew I had so much to explain to her of which I'll do that immediately I reach home.

I went to the kitchen and helped Becky with dinner, miss Allison was now home..I walked to the door and before I would bow to greet her she gave a soft laugh and said "No my dear that's not necessary okay?" I mumbled in shock before I agreed "okay maa....." "Angie please call me Allison not ma'am,," I nodded in embarrassment.She shared her day with me and I also told her how much I enjoyed my stay with Cami. she was glad and she tried offering me a drive but I declined since I came with my bicycle,,I bidded her goodbye and before I left she called out "umm Angie.. tomorrow my husband will be coming together with my son so please be here on time I need to introduce you " I nodded and went downstairs. I passed to Cami's room and kissed her cuddling for a few seconds since she was awake and told Becky goodbye before I left.

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