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The next day I came back to the L.O.V. hideout, this time I didn't get knocked out.

The person who let me in was Shigaraki. I whisper to him"Oh hello baby~" and tilt his chin then walk into the hideout.

Shigaraki grumbles and closes the door then follows me into the main room where everyone is currently doing their own thing.

"You already realize she's in our team now just deal with it" Shigaraki lazily explains to everyone.

Shigaraki then drags me to a different room and slams the door shut.

"Now that you're in the L.O.V. we have rules Y/n," Shigaraki says rudely.

I pin Shigaraki to the wall with a leg between his legs. "Oh really? What are the rules if I do this baby?"

Shigaraki's face goes red and he doesn't respond. I smirk at his reaction then leave the room and go back to the room where everyone else is.

"That was quick, what was that bang for?" Toga asked as she walked up to me.

I lean over  to whisper in her ear, "Your boss tried to tell me rules that didn't comply  with something just wait and look at the way he acts when he comes back in the room."

I move away from Toga and sit on the couch a seat away from the lizard person side-eyeing me.

Just then Shigaraki walks through the door with a blush on his face and a bagger shirt hiding his lower regions.

Toga looks at me with a devilish smirk on her face, realizing I made the boss submit to me.

"What's wrong with you Shigaraki?" Kurogiri asked the very sexually frustrated male. Shigaraki doesn't answer, Just glares, and goes back to his room.

Just then, I got a text from Endeavor.


Hey baby...I know you're on your mission right now but could you come over?


Yes, I can. Let me just make leaving not suspicious.


Okay, see you soon;)<3

The winky face almost made me barf, I get up and ask Kurogiri where Shigaraki's bedroom was.

"Down the hall and to the left. The last door" He points. I thank him and walk to his bedroom.

I knock on the door to Shigaraki's room and he rudely yells "What?"

"I'm leaving my sister needs me for something," I say back, I then turn to walk away but before I could even take a step the door flings open and I'm dragged into his room and pinned to a wall.

"Don't leave me all worked up like this, help me before you leave." He commands. I smirk and make it so I'm pinning him against a wall.

"Beg me, Whore." I say and move my hand to his neck. He shakes his head.

"Beg or I'm not gonna help you," I tell him and press my hips into him, making him grow harder.

"Please help me Mommy please~" He finally begs.

I roughly kiss him and move my hand from his neck, to inside his pants, lightly stroking him. His pants grew more frequent as I got faster, but then he made me stop.

I looked at him questioningly as he and I took off his pants, then his boxers. And nodded at me to continue.

I began stroking him even faster without the restraint of his pants on. He began to moan "Fuck" over and over again, signaling he was close. I didn't want anyone to hear so I kissed him as he come in my hand.

"Thank you" He managed to get out while panting still. I nod and go into his bathroom to wash my hands, then I leave to go to Endeavor's house.

Once I got to his home I ring the doorbell and then turn around to greet him properly.

"Hey babe," I say and give him a peck on the lips, his hands holding my waist.

"Hey let's have lunch together. okay? " He asks, I nod, even if I found it weird. He's being so nice for no reason. 

We go to the kitchen and I sit down as he makes us some food, I can't help but think about if the circumstances were different and if Shigaraki and I would be doing this right now.

When he brings over 2 plates of food and sits down he immediately asks how the mission is going.

"It's going good, they knew I was a hero so I had to lie a bit" I answered. That was the biggest lie of my life. I didn't lie to get in, I fucked the boss to get in, But he doesn't need to know that.

"So how come you wanted to have lunch?" I pry. He stops eating mid-bite and puts his frock down.  He looks at me all seriously.

"I want you to find Touya and bring him to me, If not... I'll have to force you to." He blurts out. I sit there stunned. All I can do is nod.

We finish lunch and I head home as he texted me the details of his personal mission.


810 words

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