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My heart sank. They found out. My breathing quickens and my chest begins to hurt.

"oh no...oh no no no..." I mutter out.

"We need to flee, all of us. Shoto Todoroki knows where the hideout is. He will report us."

I blurt out. I start pacing around the room, biting my nails until Dabi grabs me by my shoulders.

"Calm down. we will all leave soon. Go pack your things."

I nod and Kurogin teleports me to my house, I begin packing then I get a text from Midnight and Hawks.


It's not true, is it H/N?


C'mon H/N, tell us it's not true...

I leave them on read. I couldn't lie to them. Once I finished packing I called Kurogin to portal me back to the base.

~Teleportation sounds~

When I finally stepped back into the base, everyone had their things packed.

"Is everyone ready to go?" I ask. Everyone nods.

"We have a backup base out in northern Japan, with a new college. We will go there." Kurogiri says and we all nod stepping into Kurogiri's portal to go to this new base.

-Teleportation sounds-

We arrive and we immediately see it's a Yakuza-esque building.

"Welcome," we all hear a man say we turn to see who it is... It's none other than Kia Chisaki, Aka, Overhaul. 

"Hello Overhaul, we have an issue and need to stay here for a little while.," Kurogiri says.

Overhaul nods. "Fine although, is it related to the hero...with you?" He asks, referring to me.

"In a way, yes. I will explain privately while everyone gets settled." Kurogiri states. Overhaul shows us to our separate rooms and devices while he and Kurogiri talk.



Answer me Y/n, I know you're with the LOV and Yakuza right now.

My breath hitches


How do you know?


Your phone is a tracker, Y/n. Now tell me why you did it or I'll send your location to the police.

My brow furrows, he won't let this up. I have yo tell him

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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