Take the Money and Run

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"This is going great so far," Y/n announces as she uses her rag to wipe down the counter in Tom's Get Sporty.

"I know. At this rate, we'll have those tickets in no time," Dawn whispers in excitement while cleaning off another table. "Oh, excuse me, guys," she addresses her siblings, who are playing video games and reclining their feet on some of the tables. "I'm just trying to clean. Hey, can you just stop playing for one second?"

"Sure," Dicky agrees, still not moving.

"One," Ricky counts.

"Done," Nicky finishes.

"Really, guys? Stop being so difficult," Y/n tells them after seeing how unwilling they are to cooperate. They still don't budge, so Y/n looks Dawn in the eyes and murmurs, "Ready?"

Dawn nods her head, a determined look on her face. Together, Dawn and Y/n lift up the boys' legs and quickly clean underneath them. "You know? I'm not complaining or anything, and please, don't stop," Josie's voice cuts into the girls' thoughts, "but why are you doing all of my work?"

"Can't a couple of kids pitch in once in a while without being up to something?" Dawn asks, still busy cleaning.

"Yeah, we love helping out around the cafe," Y/n adds, trying to smile sweetly, which really just ends up looking suspicious.

"Whenever you guys are up to something, you answer questions with questions," Josie states, crossing her arms.

"Do we?" Dawn asks.

"Is that what we do?" Y/n adds, staring Josie down.

"Don't answer that," Dawn quickly instructs once she realizes that they proved Josie right. Grabbing her arm, Dawn and Y/n lead Josie further away from the boys. "You know that movie, Clonely Hearts Club?" Dawn asks as soon as they're out of earshot of her siblings.

"Where have I heard of that movie before?" Josie pretends to think. "Oh, yeah. On my shirt!" She unzips her jacket to reveal her shirt, which just happens to be merchandise from the movie Dawn's talking about.

"You're a clonie?" Dawn asks in disbelief.

"Total clonie," Josie admits, lifting her hand to her chest. She starts to recite the special words, and as soon as Dawn and Y/n realize what she's doing, they join in.

"'Evelyn could be everywhere she wanted to be...'" Josie begins.

"'Except in love...'" Dawn and Y/n finish, sighing in a peaceful way.

"You know, Fan Fest is this weekend," Josie points out. "We should totally go! All of the stars of the movie will be there."

"We're already working on it," Y/n announces, motioning toward the clean cafe.

When Josie simply gives her a look of confusion, Dawn speaks up. "Uh, hello. That's why we're doing all the work. We're hoping my parents will notice and buy us tickets," she explains their master plan. "Oh! Here comes my dad! We gotta get noticed!"

Y/n rushes to grab her rag, while Dawn pretends to clean the counters even though they're already squeaky clean from the girls' previous work. "Does that banner look straight to you?" Tom asks Josie as he walks up beside her.

"Sure," she immediately responds.

"Wrong answer! It's totally askew!" Tom shouts before walking away, leaving a confused Josie in his wake.

"Askew... Got it," Josie mutters

"Did he notice us?" Dawn asks, hope seeping into her voice.

"No. Oh, here comes your mom," Josie warns them.

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