Chapter 4: Nova Burst

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Serran ran through the dark city. Most people were either sleeping or closing up shop since it was around night. He had been lucky to survive Meera's attack. If he had fought any slower then he would've died that very night.

She's gotten a whole lot stronger since we last met. I need to get stronger. I need to go to the world's of the sith. He turned a corner. Bright neon signs lit the streets as they advertised all sorts of things, some being illegal things.
I should probably go to Korriban as a start. That is where that one sith who wiped out his own brotherhood learned.

He turned another corner. A young man holding a box of scrap metal appeared out of nowhere and they both ran into each other. Serran tried to stick the landing but instead rolled on the ground. The box of scrap metal had been knocked over and scattered across the side of the street.

Serran got up instantly. "Watch where you're-!"

"Are you a jedi or did you knick this off of one?" The man said, holding Serran's lightsaber that had fallen off his belt in the collision.

"Give it!" Serran snapped as he snatched the lightsaber away. He started running away again.

"Hey, wait!" The man grabbed a hold of his arm. Serran looked back at the man. He was young, maybe seventeen at most. He had tan skin, freckles, brown hair tied into a wolf tail, and bright green eyes. He wore a pilots uniform. What Serran noticed about him the most though was that the man gave off a faint force energy. It wasn't strong but it was almost close enough to be considered jedi worthy. He wondered why the order hadn't noticed him. Maybe it was because he barely had the minimum amount of midichlorians for a jedi.

"You're that guy at Crassitt's Arena who killed his opponent. You're the jedi, right?" The man said with an innocent smile.

"Ugh, I'm not a kriffing jedi." Serran spat.

"Then what are you?" The man asked, cleaning up all the scrap metal.

"And why should I tell you that? You don't know me. I don't know you." Serran asked, crossing his arms.

"I don't know. I guess it's because you have a lightsaber yet claim to not be a jedi and you can't be a sith since they're all dead. Another reason that isn't very important is that I'll be off this world soon and won't be able to tell the jedi or republic soldiers about you until I get to my destination and by then I'll probably have forgotten all about you." The man explained. He was either really clever or really dumb to be sharing all of this with a complete stranger.

Serran sighed. He could use this guy to his advantage and get off this world forever. "I'll tell you everything about me if you take me to Korriban." He muttered.

"Deal! The name's Gossec or you can also call me Captain Gossec if you really want." Gossec said with a smile.

"Serran." He said as they both shook hands.

Serran had followed Gossec to his starship. It was decently sized and look like it was mainly used for cargo. They stepped inside. The interior looked like the exterior: messy, grey, and old. Trash and scrap metal littered the floor and everything was unorganized.

"Have you ever cleaned this place?" Serran asked as he had a disgusted look on his face.

Gossec dropped into the pilots seat. "Hey, come on, it's not even that messy." He defended. Serran spotted a small pouch sitting on a passenger seat. He opened the pouch and immediately gagged.

"You have rotting food in here! This is disgusting!" Serran yelled at him. Gossec turned his head.

"So that's where it was. You can just throw that out." Gossec said as he went back to booting up the ships systems. "Get ready to take off!"

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