Chapter 7: Ilum

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Meera sat on the floor of her living quarters. She was meditating. She had failed her mission miserbly. Not only did she let Serran escape, but mass destruction of the area had been done. She felt awful about it. It had only been a few days since their battle but she was still bothered by it.

There was a knock on her door. "Come in." She said and the door slid open. It was her former master, Roihd. The purple twi'lek stepped inside. "Master Roihd, it's been too long." She greeted.

"Hey, Meera. I heard from Kresonri that you failed your last mission." Roihd said sympathetically.

"Yes. I did. I'm sorry. Why are you here?" Meera asked, standing up.

"You're being tasked with bringing jedi younglings to Ilum. Master Kresonri will be going with you." He explained.

Meera felt better. She could use this mission to distract her from her defeat. "When do we go?" She asked her former master.

"Tomorrow. You and master Kresonri will be taking five younglings to Ilum. It'll be a simple mission." Roihd said. Meera nodded. She remembered when she had gotten her kyber crystal from Ilum. It had been a difficult task but quite fun. She had been the last one out of the icy cave.

A simple mission to distract myself. Master Kresonri must've given me this mission with her on purpose.

It was the next day. Meera and Kresonri stood in front of five younglings while they were going through hyperspace. The younglings were Bascha, a human, Comko, a human, Zi-len, a twi'lek, Lauer, an Ithorian, and Tynan, a Kel Dors. They all looked excited to be getting their first lightsabers.

"Hello, jedi younglings. I am Kresonri. The jedi knight accompanying me is Meera Tendulkar. Today you will all be getting your very own kyber crystal on Ilum to make your very own lightsaber. Would anyone like to explain what a kyber crystal is?" Kresonri said to the younglings.

Tynan raised his hand. "Kyber crystals are special crystals that are used to power a force users lightsaber. They are mainly found on Ilum but can be found on many other planet's." The Kel Dors explained.

"Very good. Kyber crystals are very important to the jedi. It is extremely important to a jedi that they have a lightsaber." Kresonri said.

Meera took over. "To make a lightsaber, you will need a kyber crystal, a hilt that includes a power cell or energy core, focusing ring, blade emitter, and various controls. You will be able to customize your lightsaber to your liking." She explained.

"Master Tendulkar." Bascha asked.

"Please, just Meera is fine." Meera responded.

"Right, Meera. How do we find our kyber crystals?" Bascha asked.

"Well, when I acquired my kyber crystal, when we all went into the caves, I let the force guide me and was careful where I went. This only led me to dead ends. When I didn't know what else to do, I decided to trust myself and to make risks. You will all go through a change while finding your kyber crystals. I promise you that." Meera answered.

The younglings were in awe with these words of wisdom. "While we travel through hyperspace to Ilum, I recommend thinking of designs for your lightsaber. If you have any questions then please ask either Meera or I." Kresonri chimed in. She and Meera then went to the cockpit.

A republic soldier was flying the ship.
Meera sat down in one of the empty seats. Kresonri did the same. "How are you feeling?" She asked the younger jedi.

Meera gave it a thought for a moment. "I'm alright. It's nice to know that we are helping future jedi make their lightsabers." She said.

"Yes, it's quite something. I remember when you, Serran, and Seth all got your kyber crystals." Kresonri reminisced.

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