CHARACTERS - Altaras Kingdom

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Taara XIV

Birthday: 13th of Aldalw, 460 AT (Aqu. 1, 1569 CC)

Occupation: King

Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Human)

Cultural Group: Altaran

Affiliation: Altaras Kingdom Government

King of Altaras, real name Taara El Masnoor. He and his wife Elif led the Altaran delegation to meet with Ambassador Mephilas of the Holy Milishial Empire to discuss their requirements.

The stress caused from dealing with Parpaldia's abuse caused him to age faster, with gray streaks appearing in his hair already. This caused him to quickly accept the Holy Milishial Empire's offer, but that also caused him to have second thoughts.


Elif El Masnoor

Birthday: 1579 CC

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Birthday: 1579 CC

Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Human)

Cultural Group: Altaran

Queen of Altaras, Taara XIV's wife. She accompanied King Taara XIV to meet with Ambassador Mephilas of the Holy Milishial Empire to discuss their requirements.





Birthday: 1544 CC

Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Human)

Cultural Group: Altaran

Affiliation: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

As the Foreign Minister of Altaras, he is responsible to handle the diplomacy with other countries, which unfortunately includes Parpaldia.



Birthday: 1571 CC

Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Human)

Cultural Group: Altaran

Affiliation: Ministry of War

Altaran Minister of War and the older brother of Queen Elif, which makes him King Taara's brother-in-law. He is blunt and does not mince words, an attitude that Taara worried will cause him to get into trouble.

He is quite open about his hatred of Parpaldia, but acknowledged that their country relies on weapon exports from Parpaldia to bolster their national defense. He is also suspicious that the Holy Milishial Empire will someday place their military units on the island.



Birthday: 1553 CC

Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Human)

Cultural Group: Altaran

Affiliation: Ministry of Interior

Altaran Minister of Interior. He is in favor of using the Holy Milishial Empire's assistance to guarantee the Altaras Kingdom's independence.



Birthday: 1563 CC

Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Human)

Cultural Group: Altaran

Affiliation: Ministry of Trade

Altaran Minister of Trade. He is in favor of cooperating with the Holy Milishial Empire to counter Parpaldia's pressure.


Khalid El Masnoor

Birthday: 1614 CC

Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Human)

Cultural Group: Altaran

The infant Crown Prince of Altaras, mentioned to have been born in the summer of 1614.




Irmiya Mephilas

Birthday: 1593 CC

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Birthday: 1593 CC

Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Human)

Cultural Group: Altaran

The son of Leonardo Mephilas, a noble Ambassador to Altaras, and a local woman, making him half-Milishian (specifically Mysidian ethnicity).

Irmiya's existence enraged his grandfather Duke Mephilas who refused to acknowledge that the heir of his heir would be a 'half-barbarian' and threaten to disown his father. However, due to the Duke's action displeased Emperor Milishial VIII to the point he ordered his government to intervene, Irmiya will be acknowledged as the heir of the noble house in the end.

In the Third Timeline, he is one of the foreigners who were offered education in the Holy Milishial Empire by the Roguerider Foundation, who acted as their sponsor. As a result, he now lives in Runepolis.

His name is the Altaran rendering of "Jeremiah."

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