Not Alone

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Felix's POV

I looked into therapy with Sean later that day, as promised, despite being skeptical about it. I haven't exactly had the best experiences with "professional help" in the past. The mental hospital, psychiatrists, even my school counter, none of them had proved to be helpful. But Sean insisted that I just haven't found the right people yet, and that it sometimes takes trying and trying again. I trusted him. So I gave it a go. We looked into online therapy and it wasn't long before I had my first appointment set up.
Sean was excited for me and offered we go for a walk to celebrate. I agreed. Some fresh air sounded nice. It's been too long since I've been outside, embarrassingly enough.

After getting Edgar ready we head outside. The cool air hits me and I let out a small shiver. I was a little cold, but the air felt heavenly. The sunlight kissed my face and the surrounding birds sang beautifully. I smiled to myself as I embraced it all. I hadn't realized how much I missed this. I noticed Sean smiling at me. I blushed but smiled softly to myself. I'm glad he decided to drag me out here.

A peaceful quiet filled in between us, allowing me to take in the sounds of Edgar's leash and the occasional sounds of grass under my feet, all the smells of nearby plants and bread baking from a nearby bakery, and the feeling of the wind brushing against my skin.

We end up at the park and have a seat on a bench. I look around me at all the other people out and about. I wondered if any of them were outside for the first time in forever as well, or if they were...well, "normal".

"Ice cream!" Sean suddenly shouted. I was pulled out of my thoughts as he jumped up from the bench and pointed over to the ice cream truck pulling in. "You want anything?" He asked eagerly.

"Oh, um, surprise me?" I said with a shrug.

"Okay!" He said. I giggled and watched my friend run up to the ice cream truck like a giddy child. He was the first to get there. A line of kids quickly lined up behind him as he made his order. Within a few minutes he was carefully making his way back over with two cones of ice cream in his hands, and a small cup being balanced in the middle. He placed the cup down on the bench. "They have ice cream for dogs!"he announced. Edgar quickly doved his whole snoot into the small cup of ice cream and started eating it up quickly. I chuckled and gave him pets his ate. "And I got you mint chocolate chip" Sean said handing me mine.

"You know me so well" I said sweetly. He smiled and sat next to me.

"And chocolate for me!" He said before taking a lick.

I giggled and started to eat my own frozen treat.
I was almost at the cone when the minty green color reminded me of something that made me chuckle.

"What?" Sean asked me curiously.

"I was just thinking about when your hair used to be green" I told him. "Eating this reminded me of it".

"Would you eat me if it was still green?" He joked. I looked over at him and bounced my eyebrows.
"Oh no!" He laughed and scooted back.

"Don't worry, I don't bite too hard" I said with a smirk.

Sean laughed and hid his face behind his ice cream. When he pulled away he had the smallest bit of chocolate on his nose.

"You got it on your nose!" I laughed.

"Where?" Sean said touching every other spot on his nose.

"Oh my god, hold still you goober" I said leaning in close. I gently wiped the spot off. "There" I said not pulling away. An unknown force was keeping me close to him, and wanted to be pull me in even closer. Our faces were nearly inches apart. It fell silent as I got lost in his eyes. I started to lean in. Just a little more and we'd this was bad. I quickly pulled away and stood before he could notice how red my face was. "Um-" I cleared my throat and tossed the rest of my cone in the trash can beside us. "We should get going".

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