💌-𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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Interstates a nasontional treasure, best known to be backed up.

Driveing down the intersate west from the small town he lived in his whole life. Where he moving to? Huston.

Sapnal hummed softly as the aux rang through the call dreams voice, the song rode trip.

"That's fitting for this don't you think purrbaby" sapnap said softly seeing the kitten laying on his lap as he drove.

He got a soft purr and a meow in response. As he tapped his staring wheel as he drove, to I beat of the music singing q

' 'People change like the tides in the ocean
At least I think or am I dead wrong? ' '

' ' Foot on the brake, at the light I don't notice ' '

' ' I sit and wait until the next song ' '

Sapnap had all of dreams songs on his Playlist, when the blonds couldn't call he listened to it.. there voices wore always oddly calming to him, and collected.

Clingy - Preamnap (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now