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Min-Ji pov

I stormed into my bedroom seething in anger after the argument with who I used to believe were my parents. I can't believe they kept something like that from me for so long. I will be 25 years old in only a matter of a few hours. My coming of age ceremony begins at dawn and they waited until just hours before what's supposed to be one of the happiest occasions in my life to tell me that I'm adopted. Not only am I adopted but my biological family has wanted me back for years and they decided to hide me and my identity instead of giving me back to my real family.

I spent the rest of the night packing some of my things. I knew I didn't have much to go on but I had to find my biological family and I couldn't do that if I stay here.

By the time dawn hit I had finished packing and I was on my 4th cup of coffee. I couldn't sleep there was just too much that I had to get done. I made my way to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast, however when I got there my lovely brothers were already there placing three plates of food on the table.

"Good morning darling brothers." I greeted as I walked to my place at the table.

Chan, my younger brother smiled as his normal morning greeting while Jihoon simply nodded. "Good morning Min-Ji." They both said as they sat by me at the table.

"What did mom and dad want to talk about last night? It seemed very important." Jihoon asked catching both Chan's and my attention.

"I'm adopted, and before you say anything, yes Chan I know you were only joking when you said that's what you thought they'd tell me." I smiled sadly at the youngest between the three of us.

"I'm sorry noona, I didn't mean it. I didn't know I swear." Chan said feeling guilty for being right.

"It's okay Chan, but I can't stay here. I have to find them. I have to find my biological family." I said sadly knowing that I'd have to leave them to find my biological family.

"Were will you even go? Do you know where they are? Do you even know their names? Do you know anything about them?" Jihoon said firing off question after question.

I sighed knowing he was right. I didn't have anything to go by, but I was determined to find my biological family. "I'll start in Seoul. I booked a train ticket for tonight at midnight. I'll leave then." I told them slightly afraid of how they'd react.

Jihoon shook his head. "No you're not going to Seoul alone. I'll go with you. Chan and I have a friend that lives in Seoul I'm sure he'll let us stay with him until you find who you're looking for." He said after finishing his breakfast.

"He's right noona, I'll go call him now. We can both go with you. We're not letting you go alone. It's too dangerous." Chan said agreeing with Jihoon.

I sighed knowing there was absolutely no way I'd be able to talk them out of their decision. "Fine." I said causing them both to smile.

Chan got up from the table and walked toward his room after placing his dishes in the kitchen sink, while Jihoon and I gathered the remaining dirty dishes and started washing them.

"I will go get my things together." Jihoon said softly once we'd finished washing the dishes.

I nodded to myself before making my way back to my room to get dressed in my coming of age ceremony outfit. I wore a white v neck blouse with a black mini skirt. I finished getting dressed and did my makeup before making my way to Chan's room.

I knocked on the door before entering after hearing a faint "come in" from the other side of the door. "Did you speak to your friend Channie?" I asked softly as I made my way to his bed.

"I did he said he has a few spare rooms and we're welcome whenever for as long as we want or need to stay." Chan said smiling softly as he finished packing.

I smiled happily knowing I was a step closer to finding my biological family. "Thank you Channie this means the world to me." I told him as I gently played with my fingers.

Chan smiled softly sitting next to me and took my hands into his. "You're my sister Min-Ji noona, blood or not you are my sister and I want you to be happy. I'm just glad I can help." He said softly as he caressed my hand with his thumb.

I smiled softly and pulled him into a tight loving hug. It was safe to say that regardless of the blood relation I had the best brothers in the whole world. Sure I was sad when I found out that they weren't biologically my brothers but I realize now that even without that blood connection they will forever be my brothers.

"We should get this ceremony over with so we can start looking." I said softly once we broke free from the hug.

Chan nodded. "We better go downstairs before mom and dad become angry. You know how much they put into this ceremony. We wouldn't want to anger them by being late." He said softly causing me to nod.

I sighed getting up from his bed and followed him downstairs to the living room where Jihoon and their parents were waiting.

"Good morning Chan." Father said smiling softly at my younger brother. "Min-Ji." He nodded at me.

"Good morning dad." We both greeted. "Good morning mom." Chan smiled at his mother. "Good morning mom." I said softly. I was still angry at them but I was raised to respect my elders and that's exactly what I'd do.

"Jihoon, Min-Ji, Chan your father and I have something to discuss with you." Mother said catching our attention. "Min-Ji as we discussed last night you are adopted and I'm sure you've already made plans to find your biological family." She added causing me to nod. "Well, your father and I decided we don't want you going alone so your brothers will be going with you." She said causing my brothers and I to tilt our heads in confusion.

"Mother I don't mean to be rude but Chan and I already decided that we're going with her regardless if you want us to or not." Jihoon said still tilting his head in confusion.

"Well that's great dear, but we also wanted to tell you that you should start by looking for your younger brother." Father said looking directly at me.

I listened carefully as they spoke. "I have a younger brother? Do you know his name?" I asked softly hoping to get any information I could.

"Boo Seungkwan. His name is Boo Seungkwan." Mother sighed knowing I wouldn't stop asking questions until I got the information I wanted.

"Boo Seungkwan." I breathed. "My brother's name is Boo Seungkwan." I said smiling ever so softly after receiving a crucial piece of information.

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