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Min-Ji's pov

The day went off without a hitch. Mother and father seemed happy that nothing bad happened to ruin the ceremony. I still hadn't gotten any signs that I'm a lycanthrope yet, however it wasn't officially my birthday until the clock struck 1:45 pm which was in only 5 minutes.

"Don't be nervous Min." Jihoon suddenly said coming up behind me. "I'm sure that no matter what happens you will always be a good person." He added smiling softly.

"Thanks hoonie oppa, I'm sure everything will be fine." I said softly as the clock finally struck 1:45.

I suddenly began feeling a tingling sensation running through my body. The feeling was almost unexplainable. I fell to my knees and closed my eyes tightly. The tingling sensation began to sting all over my body leaving me in excruciating pain.

"Min-Ji your hair!" Jihoon exclaimed as he watched me closely.

I opened my eyes and looked down at my hair. It had changed color. It was originally a chestnut brown. It turned a beautiful blueish silver color. I smiled at the color change. I honestly loved the color silver. I looked up at Jihoon causing him to gasp in shock. "What's wrong hoonie oppa?" I asked afraid something had gone wrong.

"You're the great Luna..." He stammered before bowing to me after seeing my eye color. I was confused at first. I had head stories about the great Luna but I had honestly thought that was just a myth that parents told their children to help them sleep peacefully.

According to the lycanthrope legend only one great Luna can exist at a time. Therefore if the great Luna were to conseive a female heir she'd have to die in order for the child to gain the power of being the great Luna. This knowledge suddenly saddened me. I was the great Luna but that also meant that my biological mother was dead.

I looked at my parents with tears in my eyes. "Did you know?" I stammered out after coming to the realization. "Did you know!?" I screamed in tears after not receiving an answer.

Mother looked down at her feet and nodded. "We're sorry dear we only wanted the best for you." She said softly.

"Only wanted what's best for me.. Only wanted what's best for me!?" I screamed outaged at the fact they were still keeping things from me. "How long?" I sighed.

"4 years." Father said softly as he tried comforting his wife and mate. "She died four years ago. She had cancer." He explained.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. "You knew my mother was dying and that she wanted to meet me and you still kept it from me..." I stammered softly unable to believe what I was hearing. "Chan, Jihoon I'm leaving now. You can come or stay. It's your decision but I have to leave." I said before storming into the house to grab my things from my room.

Little did I know, my brothers had followed me to grab their things as well. "We're going with you." Chan suddenly said as I walked out of my room with a decent size duffel bag slung over my shoulder. They both had their things as well. I wiped my tears before heading to the front door with them following suit.

We made our way to the train station as quickly as possible. "Jihoon you and Chan have something you want to tell me?" I asked suddenly able to sense their nervousness.

"Our friend.. the one we mentioned earlier.." Chan said nervously. "Well we just found out ourselves and have been trying to figure out how to tell you, but his name is Boo Seungkwan. We have a feeling he's the brother that mom mentioned before." He said softly hoping I wouldn't get upset.

I took a moment to process what I had been told. "Your friend might be my brother?" I asked softly with a slight smile plastered on my face.

"Yes Min, he may be your biological brother." Jihoon said softly as we sat on the train after fixing out tickets for the three of us.

I smiled softly as we began our journey from Busan all the way to Seoul. It was a long train ride but Chan decided to inform Seungkwan that we'd be there sooner than expected. I honestly agreed with Chan it would be best if he knew we were coming sooner.

Three and a half hours had gone by when the train finally stopped at the station in Seoul. The three of us got up and stretched our bodies before grabbing our bags and exiting the train.

"Chan? Jihoon? Do either of you know how to get to his place?" I asked as we left the train station.

"He should be waiting outside." Jihoon said from behind Chan and I causing me to nod and let them lead the way.

Jihoon took the lead getting in front of Chan and I causing us to follow him to the beautiful red car that was waiting for us outside the train station.

We got into the car and buckled our seat belts. "It's great to see you guys again." The driver of the car suddenly said. "Oh I'm sorry, I seem to have forgotten my manners, I'm Seungkwan. Boo Seungkwan." He said smiling at me through the rear view mirror.

I gasped taking in all of his features. He had the same round face as me. His eyes were a beautiful purple color. His hair the same blueish silver as mine. "You're Boo Seungkwan?" I stammered with tears in my eyes threatening to spill.

"Yes I am THE Boo Seungkwan. Diva Boo at your service ma'am." He said in a cute sassy tone.

"Seungkwan hyung, you wouldn't happen to have a lost sibling would you?" Chan suddenly asked wanting to get the painful part out of the way.

"Actually yes I do, I have a sister. My mom told me that she's a year older than me. She said her name is Min-Ji. It means wisdom you know. That means that my noona, whoever she is, is a very wise person. Is it possible to miss someone you've never met?" He asked softly as he finished rambling.

"Chan switch now!" I demanded getting out of the car followed by Chan who switched places with me. I smiled softly at Seungkwan as I sat in the passenger seat. "To answer your question Kwan, yes it is very possible to miss someone you've never met before." I said smiling sadly. "I by the way am Boo Min-ji and I think I'm your sister." I stammered hoping he'd take the news well.

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