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Min-Ji's pov

I slowly got out of Minghao's hold and stood up. I looked at the man in front on me with tears in my eyes. I took a few slow steps toward Seungkwan and the man. The man looked at me as I got closer to them causing me to bow in respect as I was able to sense his alpha aura.

He smiled softly and placed his hands on my arms. "Please don't bow darling." He said pulling me to stand straight. Everyone watched carefully as he gently placed his hand on my cheek. "You look exactly like her. You're just as beautiful as your mother." He said causing me to be unable to control my tears from falling as I took in his words.

"F..father..?" I stammered softly as my tears constantly fell. He nodded smiling softly as he wiped my tears. "Yes darling, I am your father." He said causing me to leap into his arms hugging him tightly as I sobbed against his shoulder as everyone else smiled watching everything happen. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, Seungkwan slowly joined the hug and made it a family hug. The three of us stayed like that sobbing together for a while until we all needed to pull away to breathe properly. I smiled softly wiping the remaining tears from my face as I looked between my father and younger brother.

"I found you.. I actually found you.." I said smiling happily. I looked over at Chan and Jihoon and smiled at them. "Thank you both for bringing me here and helping me find them." I said sweetly causing them to smile and nod.

Now everything was perfect, I had my family and my mates and it was all thanks to the amazing brothers I grew up with.

Minghao slowly pulled me back into his arms not liking me being away from his hold for too long. His actions caused me to giggle softly. "I'm not going anywhere love I promise. I'm here to stay." I told him slightly calming his nerves.

"Hey Ming, she has other mates too, mind sharing her with them?" Jun suddenly asked causing Minghao to lowly growl. "She slept in your bed with you all night last night, I think you've had her long enough Jun." He said glaring at the taller man causing me to giggle. "Play fair boys." I said getting out of Minghao's hold again and went over to Jeonghan whose lap I sat on, causing the older man to smile.

"Hey beautiful." Jeonghan said wrapping his arms around my waist as I snuggled against his chest. I smiled softly at him in response.

~time skip~

A month had gone by since Jihoon, Chan and I had moved into Boo manor. I had been on several dates with each of my mates. I honestly loved my life at Boo manor. I'd gotten to know everyone pretty well and spent a decent amount of time with my father and Seungkwan.

It's safe to say my life had improved significantly since I moved to Seoul with my brothers. I was walking through the upstairs hallway on my way down to the kitchen to cook lunch when I heard my phone ring. I stopped to answer it after seeing who had been calling. It was Chan and Jihoon's father.

"Hello?" I said answering the call. "The boys need to come home. I think you should come as well. It's your mother." He said, skipping the greeting as usual. I became slightly confused and worried by the sound of his voice. "Is she okay?" I asked not saying what I wanted to since they had raised me to respect my elders. "No dear, I'm afraid she's not. It'd be best if you're here tonight." He said sounding extremely distressed. I sighed softly. "We'll be there as soon as possible but I'm bringing at least one of my mates and my brother with me." I said before hanging up. I sighed once more before quickly going to find Chan, Jihoon, Seungkwan and my mates. Fortunately for me all seven of them were sitting in the living room when I walked in looking more distressed than ever catching their attention. "Chan, Jihoon something is wrong with your mom." I said sadly, yes I was still extremely angry with them for hiding my identity for so long, but they did raise me and they were good parents.

"We have to go now. Seungkwan, I want you and at least one of my mates if not all of them to go with us." I said causing my mates to start arguing about who was going and who'd stay. "Quiet! Seungcheol you're the beta you have to stay to keep everything in order. Jun you're not good with trains so you're staying. Jeonghan you're the glue that keeps the pack together, you're staying. That leaves Minghao, since you are good with trains and super protective of her you're going with us." Seungkwan growled using his Alpha voice.

I smiled at my younger brother. He'd make an amazing alpha, I was so proud of the way he handled everything. "Now disperse and get your shit together so we can leave!" He growled again causing Minghao to rush toward his room to get his things. I giggled softly as I watched the scene unfold.

We were all finally ready to go. The five of us made our way to the train station where we quickly got our tickets and boarded the train we were supposed to be on. Chan called his father to let him know we were on the way.

The ride back to Busan seemed to last longer than the ride to Seoul. Three hours went by slower than I could have ever imagined. By the time the train stopped, the five of us were to focus on getting to Jihoon and Chan's mom than anything else that we all failed to notice how stiff our muscles had stiffened. Once we made it to the house the first place we went was the medical ward that Jihoon and Chan's father had built when Jihoon and I were small pups before Chan was born.

We walked into mothers room and immediately went to her side as Seungkwan and Minghao stood by the door watching.

"Mom?" Chan said taking her hand in his. "We're here mom. Everything is going to be okay." He added softly trying not to cry.

I made my way over to their dad. "What's wrong with her?" I asked softly not wanting Chan or Jihoon to hear me. He sighed softly. "She has cancer. She has been sick for a very long time dear." He said causing me to look at the woman who raised me with tears in my eyes. "Why did you bring us here? You wanted us away from this remember? You didn't want them to watch her die what changed your mind?" I asked looking up at him crossing my arms, pissed off for bringing my brothers and I here to watch their mothers final breaths.

"I'd be lying if I said I want you guys watching this, however it was her final wish to tell you all the full truth. She said she's tired of lying and hiding the truth from you and your brothers." He said causing me to become extremely confused. I thought they'd already told us the full truth but it'd seem they were still hiding something, and by the sound of it, it was something big.

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